Part 1; Chapter 10 - The Search

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=Nathan's POV=

Sabre had been missing for almost four days now.

Shark was extremely worried, and blamed Sabre's disappearance on Rainbow. I mean, I can see why. Rainbow was SUPER suspicious, according to Shark, Moose, and even Galaxy, who has been sticking close to us.

We had all built a house to stay in while we go out and search for Sabre. Shark had showed us the note, but believed that since it wasn't signed, Rainbow had staged his own kidnapping.

As of now, it was noon, and Moose and I were resting under a tree before continuing our search for Sabre. I looked up at the Sun, realizing our break was almost over. I groaned.

Moose glanced at me as I got up, seeming to realize that it was time to go. I grabbed his hand and helped him up, but pulled just a little too hard...

Moose yelped as he was yanked up and pulled into my chest, knocking me over and causing me to fall backwards, Moose landing on top of me. I looked at him, and a look of fear filled his eyes.

"I'm so sorry!" He shouted, getting off immediately. I sat up and blinked. "Why are you sorry?" I asked. He backed away, and I immediately recognized the look of pain and regret on his face. It was the same look when he knocked Sabre into the river.

I stood up and went over to him, causing him to look away. I hugged him. "Hey, it's okay. Sabre's hopefully still alive, isn't he? You didn't kill him. And you didn't even put a scratch on me!" I reassured him.

Moose looked up at me. " I guess so..." He mumbled. I smiled down at him. "Now, let's continue our search, shall we?"

=Moose's POV=

Nathan and I continued to walk, chattering about random things and how I like tacos. I glanced over at Nathan every now and then as we travelled through the Savannah in the direction we came from.

The hood of his frog onesie was down, his red, curly hair seeming to sparkle in the sun as his green eyes surveyed the landscape. (Yes, in this story, he's an actual human in a frog onesie)

We walked up a mountain, noticing a large cave. We went in, and I wasn't paying attention until Nathan shouted out for me and grabbed my hand just before I went tumbling off into a large ditch that I definitely did not see.

Nathan pulled me back and into his chest where I could hear his heartbeat that seemed to be going a million miles a minute. I was encased in a protective hug, Nathan wrapping one arm around my shoulders and the other on the small of my back.

"N-Nathan, aren't we a little cl-close?" I asked him. His bright green eyes wide with fear and adrenaline. Me, on the other hand, I was as calm as a.... as a sheep. Sure. Well, calm except for the fact that Nathan was holding me so close.

Nathan let go of me, looking away. "Sorry.." He mumbled. I stared down into the hole I almost fell into. There was a grey mist at the bottom. I strained my eyes, seeing absolutely nothing but voidfog. "Dude, it looks like a bottomless pit!" I said.

Nathan inched over and looked down. "Huh.. I guess... But this is Minecraft, so it can't be bottomless, can it?" He mumbled. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my back. "Nathan?" I asked. I turned to look at him, but his arms were crossed. There was a push, and both Nathan and I fell forward, screaming.

I grabbed Nathan's arm and pulled myself to him, wrapping my arms around him right before we hit the ground.

Only, we didn't.

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