Part 4; Chapter 4 - Some Things are Unfixable

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"S-Sir please! I'm sorry!" The small Steve cried, backed into a corner. "I know I've made a mistake, I-" "SILENCE!!" A much taller, stronger Steve stepped forward, grabbing the smaller's neck. The younger yelped and squirmed. "Please, forgive me!" They sobbed out, before being dropped to the floor.

"How long until they're out!?" The older yelled, his underling flinching violently. "I-I- there's no way to know for sure, uh- they have to find their way out on their own-!" "STUPID!!!" The small Steve held in a sob, thankful that their mask hid their teary eyes and quivering frown.

"Go in there and lead them out!! We don't want what you've done to them to be reversed. And then, you will bring them to me. Understand?" The petite Steve nodded at the orders, trying to keep themselves from shaking too badly. "Yes sir. I understand." They said.

"Go, now." "But sir, I haven't had breakfa-" ""GO!!!" The smaller teleported out in a flurry of lightning, the feeling of fear filling their chest, as the older tsked and shook his head. "You're the reason I've turned out this way." He muttered.

=Nathan's POV=

I slumped against the large door Moose was behind. It had been what, like, two days since he ran in there? I was worried for him, but then again, who wouldn't be, if their best friend suddenly ran and locked themselves behind a giant door?

I hugged my knees to my chest and sighed. "Hey, Nathan, you okay?" I heard Shark ask as he walked over. I looked to the side. "Good question," I grumbled, following up with, "I just hope Moose is okay back there."

"Me too." Shark said as he sat next to me. There was a short silence, before there was a metallic creaking noise that came from behind us. I quickly turned, standing up as the door opened. Shark stood with me, Moose being revealed behind the door.

I rushed forward and hugged him, Shark following suit. Moose simply sighed and hugged us back. "Hey guys..." He mumbled, almost sadly. "Hey, what's wrong? You okay, Moose?" I asked, putting my hands on his shoulders as Shark took a step back. "I dunno," he muttered, "I just.. a lot has happened recently."

I nodded in understanding. "Want to talk about it, or rant at all?" Shark asked, "we're always here for you buddy." Moose smiled a bit at this, looking down. His eyes were tired and he just seemed kind of.. cold. "I just.. I.. So I'm kind of in the same situation as Sabre..." He mumbled.

"Ah, yeah, Sabre and Rainbow were able to figure that out quickly," I piped up, "so we know already." Moose simply nodded. "Wanna tell us what you were doing in there, Moose?" Shark asked cautiously, as if he didn't want come off as upset or demanding.

Moose looked back to the hallway behind him, which seemed to be cleaner, or at least less rusted, than the rest of the lab. "I just.. I relived some old memories." He said, bringing out a box that was taped shut from his inventory.

"What's that?" I asked, looking at the box. "Ah, turns out, when I was Professor Red, I had this robot. He had a memory save file and just fell apart recently.. This holds the memory chip. It holds two pebibytes, which is about equal to two million gigs." He said. I was shocked. "T- .. Two Million!?" I exclaimed. Moose laughed a bit. "Yeah, it contains all his coding and memories. I went ahead and grabbed a few more chips just in case he was on for a long period of time and needed more memory space."

"Oh, can we see him then?" Shark asked. Moose looked away. "About that.. His old body is rusted, and I don't have the materials to create a new body for him.." He said. "Ah." Shark replied simply. "Oh, hey," I piped up, "we could find materials and build him a new body now!"

Moose shook his head at the suggestion. "No, I want to wait until we create that town Sabre and Rainbow are so exited for. I think it would be better than having him walk around with us the whole time." He muttered.

"Oh! Moose! Idea!" I quickly said, "why don't you just make a smaller robot? Then when we settle down, you can make it a bigger body?" Moose shrugged. "I'll think about it." He replied.

"Well, we gotta leave someday, right? How about we save time and resources and find our new home, then build your robot there?" Shark suggested. Moose nodded. "Yeah, that's what I was thinking." He agreed.

I took Moose's hand. "Why don't we go meet up with the others, huh, Moose?" I offered. Moose nodded. "Okay." Shark took his other hand after Moose stored the box safely back in his inventory, then we walked through the lab and to the stairs, heading back to the surface.

"Guys!" I called out to Sabre, Rainbow, and Galaxy, who turned towards us. "Moose!!" Sabre called out immediately, running over and hugging him. Moose hugged back as Rainbow and Galaxy quickly joined, Shark and I joining in as well.

The hug lasted for a little while, then we began to pull away to let Moose have his space. "You okay, Moose? You were in there for a while." Sabre stated, looking up at Moose in concern. "Eh, I'm fine for the most part I guess. Well, as fine as I can be, since I'm apparently in your situation right now." He muttered.

"Eh, I was shocked when I learned I was a Steve in my past as well. I guess you'll get used to it is all I can really say." Sabre emphasized. Moose nodded. "We should get going, yeah?" He asked, looking around the group.

I smiled and held his hand. "Yeah, I'm ready." I stated, the others nodding or mumbling in agreement. Sabre and Rainbow began to lead the way out of this place, Shark and Galaxy following. I looked to Moose.

"You sure you're alright, Moose?" I asked. He looked down. It's been ages since I've seen Moose like this. It was concerning. "Eh. I've been better." He sighed. I moved to hug him, Moose hugging back almost immediately. "It's gonna be okay, alright? I'll always be here for you." I told him.

"Yeah," Moose smiled a bit as he pulled away, "let's go catch up, huh? The group's getting away from us." "OH- Oh yeah, come on!" I exclaimed, grabbing his hand and running after our friends. I heard Moose laugh, and I smiled. His laugh was the best thing I could ever hear.

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