Part 4; Chapter 9 - The Shadow's Within

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=Rainbow's POV=

I stood on top of the tree stump, my mind blocking off any noise that reached my ears. I lifted my arm to wipe my face with my sleeve, drying my teary eyes once again. Sabre couldn't be gone.. could he? He was just playing hide and seek! Without us.. unannounced.. alone... without a time limit..

I flinched as a pair of arms wrapped around me from behind. "It's gonna be okay, Rainbow. We'll find him." Galaxy's voice whispered. I was confused. Since when was Galaxy serious..? I just sighed and leaned back into his hold. Maybe this wasn't such a bad side to Galaxy..

I yelped as I was suddenly scooped up into Galaxy's arms, my arms and legs wrapping around his torso as he put a hand on the back oh my head. I squirmed and tried to hit Galaxy, before just giving up and relaxing in his hold.

"I'm scared, Galaxy.." I muttered, "I'm scared for Sabre..." "I know, Rainbow. I'm sorry this happened, but we need to remember that no matter what happens, we've always found a way to fix it. We'll get him back." He told me. I couldn't help but be frustrated. Why couldn't he act serious like this all the time!? Ugh!

I merely nodded and rested my face on his shoulder. "We should split up." I overheard Shark say. "Moose and Nathan, you two go north. Galaxy, I'll go south with you and Rainbow. If we cant find Sabre, we meet back at the stump in thirty minutes. If either is late, wait another fifteen minutes before searching for the other group."

Shark had pretty good leadership.. that was an attribute Sabre had.. I merely sighed and closed my eyes. I was tired from walking all day and this stupid stress I felt. Galaxy rubbing my back wasn't helping me stay awake either. I felt myself unable to keep myself conscious anymore as I drifted off into dream land.




I awoke with a start, my hands shaking. "S-Sabre!? I asked, looking around frantically. I felt disoriented as I coughed, standing up only to collapse back onto my knees. I felt heavy. I didn't like it.

"Rainbow." A sudden voice called. One of acknowledgement. I whipped my head around to look, only to see Sabre standing behind me, unmoving. It was a bit too dark to really see, as it was night, but I could still make out his figure.

"Oh, Sabre! Thank goodness you're okay!" "No I'm not" I paused at his interruption. "...What?" "You left me.. I needed you, and you left me!!" He screamed. I flinched back. "Sabre, I-" I stuttered a bit as he approached me, only to realize that this wasn't Sabre at all.. they looked like Sabre, the body, the clothing, the smirk.. but they were different. Their hair was oily, their clothes were ragged, all their colors grey, and... they had their left forearm..

I backed away as they continued to approach. "What, are you scared~?" They cooed, their voice distorted, their smirk more menacing than my Sabre's smirk was.. "I'm not scared!" I cried, forcing myself to stand. I grabbed for my knife, but.. it wasn't there.. I grumbled in frustration. "Who are you, and what have you done with Sabre!?" I yelled.

"Oh, I haven't done anything, little Rainbow. My era of harm is long over, and my next one shall not begin for a little longer. Y'know, I'm bored, and drama is fun, so, I wish to give you a bit of.. information, on where Sabre might be." They said.

I gulped. "O-okay.. uh.. that's not creepy... but if you're willing to disclose information on where Sabre is.. I'll gladly take it." I replied. "Hmm, good~ yes~" the weird clone's smirk grew a bit wider as they stalked around me, their hands placed behind their back.

"Someone took Sabre. Someone who works for one who's higher up. A greater villain than even Elemental was." I gulped at this. "O-okay.. uh.. where is Sabre exactly?" I questioned. "That I cannot tell you, for that I do not know. I am no longer connected to Sabre's body, only drifting in the shadows that once deemed me superior to them." They sighed. Okay, weirdo..

"Any thought as to where Sabre might be..?" I wondered, only for the clone to reply with "probably dead." I slapped them. "DON'T SAY THAT!!" I yelled, "Shut up!" They stumbled back at this, looking shocked, before laughing. "Oh my, looks like we have a little fighter here~" they chuckled.

I swung my fist at them, a fireball crackling into existence to send them flying back like I once did when Sabre was controlled. Only this time, I missed. I yelped as the clone dodged and grabbed my arm, twisting it behind my back and throwing me to the ground. I rolled to get back up, but the last thing I even saw was a fist coming right for my face, causing me to black out on impact.

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