Part 1; Chapter 2 - Old Friends

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=Moose's POV=

Shark, Nathan and I were making our way over a mountain. Nothing much was really going on as I kicked a rock at Shark, unfortunately missing. "WOAH! What was that?" Shark shouted. I walked over for a better look. There were signs of an explosion, then I saw someone come out of the entrance. In fact, the person was also carrying someone else.

Nathan came up behind us after collecting some wood from a nearby tree to see what we were looking at. We watched as the person set the other person down, and as a big blue tree sprang up from a way smaller tree.

"Woah!" I exclaimed. "I never seen anything like that before!" The tree was pretty. It was almost shiny, even. I looked back down to the two people, just to see the one in white hit the other with a large stick.

Shark tensed beside me. "Oh- Um... should we help that person?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah. That didn't seem very nice of that other guy..."

Nathan started to walk down the hill. "Then let's go, you dummies!" He said. Shark glanced at me and shook his head. "Don-"

"MOOSE MILLLLLLKKKKKKK" I screeched, running down the hill, arms waving in the air. Nathan stepped aside and let me run, while Shark yelled after me.


I got to the bottom and tumbled across the field, before coming to a stop in front of the dude in white. I stood up and looked at him, as he was staring back at me in shock and confusion.

=Nathan(Unspeakable)'s POV=

I heard Moose coming and stepped aside. I watched as he screeched past me, eventually coming to a stop in front of the person in white. I smacked my forehead, then followed after, Shark not far behind.

I stopped with Moose, who had started talking with the person in white.

"Hey." Moose said

"Um... hi?" The guy asked.

"I'm Moose."

"Okay.... Moose...."

"What's your name?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Cause I told you mine."

"Touché. I'm Rainbow. Rainbow Steve." The person said. I put my hands in my pockets and watched as he pulled down his hood and stuck his hand out to Moose. "Nice to meet you."

I looked down to the knocked-out guy, gasping a bit. I leaned in and whispered to Moose. "Dude, that's Sabre!"

Moose looked at me, then smiled and took the rainbow-haired dude's hand, but then quickly turned him around and pulled his hands behind his back. Rainbow yelped as Moose tied his hands with a vine.

Shark walked over and gasped. "Guys! That's Sabre!" He said as Moose sat Rainbow down and tied the vine to an up-rooted root. I nodded. "Kinda already figured that out, dude." I said.

Shark sat Sabre up against the tree bark as I made a crafting table and weapons. I turned and handed my two buddies their wooden swords. "Guess we wait." I said.

=Sabre's POV=

I opened my eyes. The last thing I remembered was being hit on the head with a stick..? I shook my head and lifted my blindfold slightly. Even though I could see though it, it was kind of difficult at times.

I gasped. Nathan, Moose, and Shark were there! Rainbow was too! I stood up and smiled, but then realized that Rainbow was tied up. I ran past my old friends as if they didn't exist and skidded to a stop in front of Rainbow.

He was struggling in the blue vines and whimpering as I reached my hands down. I lifted his chin and he glared at me. "Rainbow...." I said softly, hugging him. He stiffened up.

"Who are you..?" He asked quietly.

Who was I? What?

"What do you mean, Rainbow?" I asked, pulling away from the hug I had wrapped him in. "It's me, Sabre, your best friend..!"

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