Parr 3; Chapter 11 - Brotherhood

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(Heya guys, sorry for not updating last week! I was busy and a little burnt out, and decided that instead of updating a day late, I'd just skip a week. It helped me catch up with writing future chapters anyways. Either way, hope you enjoy today's chapter! :])

=Time Steve's POV=

I arrived back at Elemental's new base in a flurry of lightning. I had already visited this place several times, waiting impatiently for Elemental to show up. Making my way through his base for the fifth time already, I called for him. "Elemental!! Are you back yet!?"

Only this time, I got an actual response. "Time!? What are you doing here!?" I heard my brother's accent from down the hall with the lava. He quickly appeared around the corner and flew towards me, an angered look on his face.

He grabbed me by the neck and slammed me into a wall. "Gah- Elemen--" "SHUT UP, WILL YOU!?" He interrupted, "I don't know why you are here but I may as well take this chance to destro-" "OI, WHY DON'T YOU SHUT UP AND LISTEN FOR ONCE, YOU STUPID STEVE!?" I retaliated. Elemental looked shocked.

"Now let me go, I have good news for the both of us! Let me speak!" I demanded. I was dropped on the floor as Elemental backed up, placing his hands on his hips. "You better tell me before I destroy you." He scoffed as I got up and dusted myself off.

"Well, you ignorant buffoon," I started, earning a disgusted gasp from Elemental, "if you had any lick of sense in that dense bedrock brain of yours, you would have realized that I, as your now one hundred percent confirmed brother, would not have come here to get myself killed, rather to tell you something important."

Elemental raised an eyebrow as he kept his sassy stance, not seeming to get the hint. "Well spit it out, 'one-hundred-percent-confirmed-brother', tell me already!" He mocked. I crossed my arms and stared at him.

Elemental froze. "Wait... what..?" A look of realization crossed his face. "You.. did you... find evidence of our creator..?" I nodded to him as he stared in shock. "I found him, Elemental.. he's here, in the overworld..." I said.

Elemental brought a hand in front of his mouth as his eyes cast to the floor. "No.. no, I don't believe you!!" He cried. He turned and flew off, out the entrance of his base.

"Elemental!!" I shouted after him, only for him to ignore me and speed out of sight. "Brother..." I sighed.

I decided it would be a good idea to head back to the house to check up on everyone. It was late at night, and I was a bit worried that one could have gotten his head stuck in the chimney.. not naming names. I took off from the platform and flew to an empty space before teleporting to the house.

I arrived in a flash of lightning, before starting to make my way to the house. I noticed the lights were still on in the windows. I knocked on the door, Shark answering it. "Oh, hey Time!" He smiled, inviting me in. I nodded to him and made my way inside.

I glanced towards the chimney, the sight confirming my suspicions as Moose and Nathan struggled to pull Galaxy out of the empty fireplace.

"Oh.. yeah, about that, he asked about how the presents showed up and we told him about this guy called Santa Claus who comes down chimney to deliver presents. He thought it wad every night." Shark informed me.

"..Good to know, and good luck." I muttered, "I'm going to head off to bed, I've already gone through enough stress and shock today.." I wandered off to Shark's room and sat on the window seat, looking out the window as it snowed.

It was rather peaceful, watching the frozen flakes drift down from the night sky, the light from inside shining outwards into the white flurry. I wish I could just go back to the old days, share a moment like this with Elemental... maybe change the outcome of our brotherhood...

But I couldn't. It was against my moral code as the keeper of time. I was supposed to make sure it was steady and kept together, not changed and falling apart at anyone's actions, much less mine.

I sighed and lied down. I haven't even eaten yet... Whatever. Food would have to wait till morning, as I was already drifting off.


I felt a blanket being draped over me.

"Mh... thanks, Shark.."


"Goodnight brother."

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