Part 3; Chapter 8 - Injured

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=Sabre's POV=

Darkness. That's all I saw. I mean- yes, I was already surrounded by darkness and shadows in that weird dream, but I could still make things out, as if some sort of weird lighting was illuminating Shadow and I. But now, nothing. 

Feeling slowly started to return to my limbs as my eyes opened. Where... Where am I...? I wondered. I tried to sit up, only to fail, as if something were holding me down. There was a burning sensation entirely on my right side, and the same weird tingling returned to my left arm. The tingling has been there since I was hit with that potion.

I groaned and went to touch my right arm, but I couldn't move that much. I tried struggling, flinching when I felt a stinging pain. "What the heck.." I grumbled. I took in a shaky breath. "Rainbow!! Are you there!?" My voice was weak, and I couldn't see too well in this dark room. There was no response. I sighed and closed my eyes. 

Maybe I should just go back to sleep... I thought. Yeah.. I'll go back to sleep... A sudden drowsiness swept over me, and I drifted back into dreamland.

=Rainbow Steve's POV=

"Come along, Rainbow Steve." Elemental opened the glass tube, then took me by the wrist. "I'll give you a reason to help me find that friend of yours."

I sent him a glare as he led me out of the tube. He closed it behind me, then led me down the hallway to the right. I felt nervous. What was he gonna do to me..? 

He led me into a dark room, then flicked a lever, redstone lamps activating. I looked up at the lighting, then back down into the cell in front of us. I gasped when I saw what was inside. "Sabre!!" I ran to the bars, gripping them. I let out another horrified gasp when I saw his body..

He was wrapped up in bandages, mostly on his right side. His left arm was tied down, and there was a piston machine hooked up to him. 

"What did you do to him!?" I yelled, turning to face Elemental. He sent me a glare, before turning back to Sabre. "I saved his life, mind you. He was on the verge of death, or as those humans would say, half a heart. Otherwise, he caused those injuries to himself. You both caused his injuries."

I stared at Sabre's weak figure. "Wh-what do you mean..." I asked. I could've sworn I saw Elemental smirk. "Those explosives that you and Sabre planted. They went off before Sabre and I could fully get though the portal."

It felt like my heart had sank to my stomach. Sabre and I had caused this. I threw down the explosives I had left. Those explosives.. They injured my best friend...

"Now, Rainbow Steve," Elemental continued, "I have very strong potions of healing and regeneration. If you tell me where I can find this friend of yours, I'll give Sabre the potions. If not, however, I will use this harming potion on him." I stared in horror as he pulled out a dark red potion, the liquid inside bubbling furiously.

"Y-you wouldn't.." I whimpered. Elemental smirked. "I would." "..." I weighed my options. I could either give Elemental my friend's location, which they could easily move from, or I could let Sabre get hurt. I closed my eyes, trying to send any kind of mental signal to my friend.

I flinched and looked up as Elemental placed his free hand on my shoulder. "What will it be, Rainbow Steve?" He asked. I took in a shaky breath. "The last place I saw him was far South of the lab I was born in. Make that about ten thousand or so blocks out. Then head a bit East. There's a cave cutting through a mountain there. The area I'm talking about is on the South side of the mountain." I recalled.

Elemental nodded at this. "I will believe you, Rainbow Steve. If I find out you're lying to me, however, Sabre will be killed. If you are lying, this is your last chance to come clean." He said sternly. I hugged myself defensively. "It's the last place I saw him, not the place he'll probably be.." I grumbled.

"You never know." Elemental said. "Now, for the healing and regeneration..." I watched him fumble around in his inventory before pulling out a light pink potion as well as a light red one. He opened the door to the cell Sabre was in. Glaring at me as if he was silently telling me to stay put. I did.

Elemental spilled the potions into Sabre's mouth, holding him up a bit so he could swallow. Sabre thrashed a bit, before seeming to relax in Elemental's hold, his body glowing a soft pink as his wounds began to heal up.

Elemental left and locked the cell, then grabbed me by the wrist again. He led me back to the glass tube, pushing me into it and locking me inside. I stared at the smooth quartz floor, listening as Elemental walked off. I sighed. At least Sabre was temporarily safe. Poor Sabre... 

I need to be there for him...

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