Part 1; Chapter 9 - An Unexpected Rescue

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=Sabre's POV=

I awoke on a soft bed in a dark room. I blinked and sat up, a bit confused as to where I was, until it all came back to me. Nightmare Steve had captured me.

I pushed off the covers, then realized my wrists were chained, along with my ankles. Well, this sucks. At least I could still move around comfortably.

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I realized that I was in a small cell, the only things here being a bed, a small, open and probably empty chest, and a tray of food.

I stood up, shuffling around a bit. I looked down at myself, noticing that I was now outfitted in a jumpsuit that seemed to be too big for me. Then I remembered Rainbow.

Did Nightmare get Rainbow too!? No, no, NO! Who knows what he could do to Rainbow? He's been trying to get his hands on MY Rainbow for too long!

I grabbed the bars and shook them, trying to maybe even loosen one a bit so I could get free, however, nothing worked, except for getting the attention of an unwanted visitor...

"Ah, yes, hello, little Sabre~" Nightmare cooed. "I see you have awoken from your slumber~" He strode towards the cell, causing me to growl.

"Awe, is the wittle savior angwy~?" Nightmare teased. "Now that I have him and his wittle Rainbow, everything can go according to my plan~"

"WHAT DID DO TO HIM!?" I screamed. Nightmare chuckled. "Nothing... yet~" He said. "YOU'LL PAY FOR WHATEVER HAPPENS TO HIM!" I yelled, shaking the bars more.

Nightmare reached through the bars, shoving me back. "Just go back to sleep for a few more days~ You've already been passed out for three." He ordered.

I was asleep for three days? That's the longest I'd ever slept in my life! I watched as Nightmare walked away. "HEY, COME BACK HERE!!!" I yelled, only to be ignored.

I began to pace around the cell. What to do, what to do!? I wondered nervously. I checked my inventory, noticing everything was gone. I should have expected this...

I continued to pace anxiously. I was obviously stuck in adventure mode, so it wasn't like I could do anything to dig or break out. Plus, even if I could break out, I could never leave Rainbow behind...

My thoughts were interrupted as I bumped into something, or someone. I looked up, seeing a tall, formidable figure standing in front of me, a pair of glowing golden eyes staring down into my own.

I backed up, trying not to scream and alert Nightmare. Maybe this person could help me? They could obviously teleport...

They stepped forward, coming into the light. They had dark skin, vines woven into their reddish brown hair. A small, friendly smile was on their face. They were wearing a ripped green shirt and brown pants with vines and leaves woven around each leg, and they had black boots with golden accents. One arm was made of water, the other made of lava

"Hello, my child. I am Elemental Steve." The person said. Another Steve, huh. "I have been watching over you for a while, and I would like to help you out of this situation. I already assisted you small friend, Rainbow Steve, who is waiting for you at my base, the In-Between."

I blinked, a bit confused. "O-okay..." I mumbled, stumbling over my words. Elemental held out his watery hand for me to take, which I did, not really having any other choice.

I closed my eyes as we teleported, everything going bright white.

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