Chapter 53: Visitors

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The night sky was sprinkled with stars, I had a hold of Wayne's hand as he about drug me up the stairs and into his awaiting jet. I wished he would have changed his mind and let us just leave in the morning but he was determined to make it back home tonight. Admitingly I wouldn't miss the frigid temps of New York, Florida weather sounded great right now. Taking a seat I watched the chaos around us, Wayne was in a bad mood and everyone around us seemed to pick up on it.

When Wayne came and sat beside me I frowned at him, "chill out." Wayne made a face at me reaching out to grab my hand. "I'm always chill, people just sometimes piss me the fuck off." I leaned back closing my eyes, "you know you're like always on call." Wayne let out a sigh, "that's about to change." I opend my eyes looking over at him, "is everything ok." He nodded, "don't worry about it, I got this." I made a face at him wishing he would talk to me more, but I understood, there were some things that I just wouldnt' understand. "Well whatever happens I support you." Wayne kissed my hand, "I know B, you always have." I laughed at him, "not really, I've left you, I've....." Wayne cut me off, "past is the past, future is too far away but now is now." I arched my brow at him but noded.

Our flight for the most part was quiet, we didn't have the company that we had on the flight to New York, this time it was just the two of us. I would have given anything to sleep but I was wide awake and so was my lil man. Wayne seemed to be lost in his own word, I had no idea what he was reading on his phone and wasn't about to ask. I knew he had gotten an email that had pissed him off and then our discussion of staying overnight ended and he was on the phone letting them know that we would in fact be leaving tonight.

When we landed I felt like my body weighed a thousand pounds and I was tempted to tell Wayne that he would have to carry me to the awaiting SUV. I was thankful that he had exited the plane ahead of me allowing me to take my time.Wayne's eyes were on me as I slowly walked to him, "you good." I nodded, "my body is achey all of a sudden." Wayne's eyebrows arched, "you still have 2 months right." I nodded pausing as he opend the door allowing me to crawl in. "I bet you're just tired baby, been a rough couple of days. I promise you when we get home, I'm going to put you in bed and let you rest."

I had never been so happy to see the house in my life, Wayne had sent me upstairs dealing with the lugage himself. Walking straight to our bedroom I started pulling clothes off rummaging through my drawers for a nightgown. Pulling out the first thing I saw I slipped it over my head heading to the bathroom. I frowned at my reflection knowing I needed to take my makeup off but not wanting too, the lazyness in me won and I took my self to bed makeup and all.

Blinking my eyes open I searched for some clue to the time, stretching out I felt Wayne so I cuddle up against him putting my arm around him. He put his hand on top of mine. I inhaled his scent greatfull that we had patched our previous problems. As comfortable as I was the need to use the bathroom won and I forced myself up.

Standing up I grabbed my side, my sudden movement had me almost in tears. Easing my way to the bathroom I wondered how in the world would I ever make it to my due date. Glancing at the tub I suddenly had the urge to take a long relaxing bubble bath. Leaning down I turned the water on adding my bath beads and bubbles. Dipping my foot in the water I nodded to myself before pulling my clothes off and getting on in. The water felt so good surrounding my body, sinking further down I layed my head back closing my eyes relaxing. I could practacly feel my muscles relaxing, the only thing that kept me from falling asleep was the baby doing his acrobatic act in my stomach.

Hearing laughter I looked up and saw Wayne leaned up against the door frame, "damn girl you got enough bubbles?" Looking down I laughed, "maybe." He shook his head, "you up huh, I'm bout to go put some coffee on. You want delivery or you coming down." I frowned, "umm I guess if I'm not down in 15 minutes bring it here. I may never get out of this tub." Wayne arched his brow at me nodding.

As much as I didn't want to get out of the tub my water was starting to cool enough to make my skin start to get goosebumps so I knew it was time to get out. Wrapping a towel around me I twisted my hair back up and proceeded to put my lotion on. Walking in the bedroom I pulled out a pair of black and white Polk a dot shorts and the Cammi to match it, putting it on I turned sideways. "Oh my God I look like a freaking old lady." Rubbing my belly I jumped, "well your the hottest old lady I've ever seen."
Making a face I turned grinning at Wayne, he had not only brought me coffee but some sour gummy worms and a bag of Funyuns, my newest pregnancy addiction. "I think I'm in love with you," I said as I went and made my self comfortable sitting in the bed. He made a face as he sat everything down on the nightstand. "You think?"
Shrugging I grabbed the remote turning on the tv, "you know I love your stupid ass." Wayne shrugged turning around, "I guess, I'll be in the office." shaking my head I frowned, "can't you bring your stuff in here, I mean really what could you possibly have to do this early in the morning." he paused in the doorway grabbing the frame, "nope your a distraction and I don't need distractions right now."

Wayne looked over his shoulder at me shooting me a grin. I rolled my eyes at him, "all work is going to do is piss you off." I didn't know exactly what he was upset about but I knew he was furious about something. He shrugged, "you want me to sit here with you while you watch some crazy ass movie." I nodded at him. He shook his head walking to his side of the bed, "fine I will but don't be mad when I have to leave later."

As soon as he scooted up beside me I elbowed him, "don't be an ass to the mother of your child." Wayne grinned, "you ain't had my baby yet." I rolled my eyes, "that my dear is just a technicality." I decided to be nice and did share my gummy worms, but he was on his own if he wanted some funnyons .

When I woke up I saw that Wayne had dissapeared, I vagley remember him telling me he had a meeting this morning and had to go. I got up and did my morning routines before making my way downstairs to find something to eat.
What should have been an easy task turned out to be way more effort than I ever wanted to give, after frowning at every single thing in the fridge and cabinet I had it in my head that I wanted some cheese toast, well that lasted until it was done and upon inspection was found unsuitable. Sighing I let out a deep breath, "ok little boy what do you want cause your momma is hungry."
When the doorbell rang I had to resist the urge to stomp all the way to the front door. Not even looking to see who it was I swing the door open rather dramatically. "Girl omg if Wayne knew how you opened this front door...naw I won't even think it. I could have been anybody and you, look at you."

Nicki was talking almost faster than I could hear. "Um yeah he would have a cow but what's up?" Nicki and I were sociable but not bff's not anywhere where she should be busting up in my house. "You are coming with me so go get your ass dressed." Opening my mouth to object Nicki clapped her hands at me, "go, get, scoot."

Letting out an sigh I frowned making my way upstairs, what in the hell did she want. I had no clue where we were going so I threw on a navy and white stripped long dress and pulled out a blue jean jacket to wear over it. one thing I loved about Florida was even in January it got up in the seventies. Yanking my hair down I let my straightener heat up as I did my makeup.
By the time I walked back downstairs Nicki was sitting on the couch playing with her phone. As she stood up she nodded, "ok so you ready." I arched my brow, "for?" She threw her head back, "Wayne's ass, I swear your ababy shower is tonight and I'm taking you out to get you all pampered up." I blinked, "umm you sure Wayne knows about this, or remembers about this. She shrugged making a face as I locked the door behind me. "Well if he don't I'm sure his assistant is about to remind him." I paused, "you know him and Baby are into it right?"

Nicki rolled her eyes, "forget them this is about you now come on Kinsley's flight is about to land." I instantly perked up, "Kinlsey, my," Nicki shot me a look, "well I sure the fuck ain't picking up Kinsley Kardasian." I rolled my eyes at Nicki, why the fuck was my Kinsley  coming down here and I not know about it. shaking my head I assumed it was supposed to be a surprise. I was almost positive that Wayne had set this up then totally forgotten about it, then again that boy was insane and Lord only knew what goes on in that head of his.

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