Chapter Thrity-Two: A tiny scare

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After leaving the doctor Wayne and I had both been so mad at each other that we didn't talk until the next day. He went from being a jerk to the biggest suck up on the planet, the only thing he was persistent on now was me eating, in fact that was probably the reason I had gained my ten pounds back. My sonogram was scheduled for later today so I was being kinda lazy.

I had already taken my bath and was sitting in my bed straightening my hair watching TV when my phone rang. Rolling my eyes I grabbed it figuring it was Wayne, but frowned when I saw it was my dr's office, they better not be rescheduling my appointment. "Hello?" I answered muting my TV. "Can I speak to Brynn." I nodded to myself, "this is her." There was a pause, "You have a sonogram scheduled for three but Dr. Baker is needing you to come in before then." My heart fell to my stomach, "is something wrong?" Again another pause, "Dr. Baker just has some concerns with some of your levels, she will discuss this further with you, when can you come in?"

Standing up I shrugged, "whenever, I can come now." Hanging up I called Wayne at the studio praying he wasn't in the booth. When he answered he was laughing at somebody in background liek he was fucking retarted, "the doctor just called me and said something is wrong with my levels and I need to come in now." I could practacly hear Wayne jump up, "I'm on my way I'll meet you there." For the slightest moment I wanted to start with him about not wanting to be seen but I knew now was not the time.

Throwing on some jeans and the first shirt I grabbed I just threw my hair up in a messy bun grabbing my purse. My gps again had to be my guide, at it only got me so far, thankfully I had paid enough attention on how to get to the parking garage. Parking I scanned the parking lot already knowing that Wayne would not have had enough time to make it there yet. Deciding not to wait I took the elevator walking straight to the nurses desk and checking in.

Not one single part of my could be still, I kept trying to tell my self that everything was OK, it wasn't' like they had told me that I needed to be on bed rest of anything. Every second that ticked by seemed to drag by, patience was not a virtue that I possessed. When Wayne walked through the door I let out a sigh or relief, I would have never forgiven him for not showing up in time for this. He sat down beside me grabbing my hand not saying a word. I could tell he was nervous, he had his baseball cap down low, like that could hide him.

Looking around not many people were paying us any attention, most of the women waiting had their noses stuck in a pregnancy magazine or in their phone, and the receptionist was busy at the computer. We both jumped when my name was called and looked at each other before he squeezed my hand pulling me up with him. We were lead to a back office and were asked to wait.

Wayne sighed, "you don't know anything." I shook my head, "no all they said were my levels were low, what levels they are talking about I have no clue but I wish they would hurry..." Dr Baker walked in pausing when she saw Wayne but then extending her hand not missing another beat. "OK, I received your lab work today and some of your levels give us cause to worry. Now I'm not trying to scare you, we are going to do a sonogram then redo some blood work. Right now your hcg levels are low for how far along you are and you are anemic. Now nothing could be wrong, we defiantly need to get you on iron pills but first we need to go see this baby."

Wayne let out a breath and I already knew what he was thinking, I hadn't been ready to be pregnant but now that I was I couldn't imagine losing the baby before it had even been born. Neither Wayne or I said a word as we followed Dr Baker, our lab tech was a young Asian girl that obviously recognized Wayne by the way she stood staring at him until Dr Baker cleared her thought. Great, I needed attention to be on me and my belly, not Wayne.

The minute I laid down on the table Wayne sat beside me and I locked eyes with his refusing to look as they put the warm jelly on my stomach and began pressing down looking for the baby. I watched Wayne's eyes for any reaction and when he closed his eyes I feared the worse but he opened them right back smiling as the tech started talking to us, "baby has a healthy heart beat, lets get some measurements then I'll take some pics for the two of you." Slowly I turned and looked over at the screen and saw my tiny baby. Tears filled my eyes out of nowhere, I was so happy the baby was healthy.

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