Chapter Twenty-Five: I give up

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Entering my apartment I was silently cussing myself, I wasn't ready to see Wayne. Walking into my bedroom I hung up my new clothes. I had no idea what time Wayne would show up, knowing him sooner than later. My mind was not ready to talk to him I did not even know if I wanted to forgive him, I had already forgiven him a million times. Walking back in the living room I flipped the TV on barley paying attention to the menu before finally just giving up and turning it right back off.

My mind would not allow me to sit and wait in peace instead it kept running through what I should say to Wayne and what he might possible say to me. I wish I knew when he was coming, I debated if I should text him or not before my mind finally told me no, he deserved the silent treatment. Part of me wanted to make things perfect for him when he got here, cook for him, dress up for him, but thank God the stronger part of me said he didn't' deserve for things to be perfect. Wayne was to used to getting his way, I was tempted to text him and be like sorry I changed my mind about you coming over sorry.

I was still seriously thinking of telling Wayne to stay at home when I heard the knock at the door. I rolled my eyes standing up taking my sweet time to unlock and open it. Wayne stood on the other side looking too damn good for my own good. I instantly looked down avoiding eye contact as I back up allowing him to enter. Shutting the door behind him I let out a deep breath watching him walk in into the living room. Damn, damn, damn why did he send me into hyper drive.

Wayne had sat down on the couch and was watching my warily, I gave him a thin smile, "so you wanted to talk, whats up." Wayne frowned looking over at me, "you have fun today." I cut my eyes over at him, "actually I did." Wayne licked his lips, "Brynn I never meant to hurt you baby. Let me make it up." I shook my head, "there is nothing to make up Wayne, I mean I don't know what to do. Sometimes I just want to start all over....without you." I couldn't believe the words that had just escaped my mouth and obviously neither could Wayne. I saw the momentary anger flash over his face only to be replaced with pain.

Wayne leaned back pulling out his cigarettes and lighting one up without even looking at me making me  instantly want to break out into apology. Shaking my head I leaned my head back against the couch closing my eyes wishing I could disappear. Feeling Wayne's hand grab mine I opened my eyes looking over at him. He looked at me squeezing my hand before taking one last drag of his cigarette then leaned forwarded to but it out. "So what do you want to do." I shrugged my shoulders, "about us or right now." Wayne shrugged his shoulders back at me, "both."

Staring at him I knew he was what I wanted, I just didn't know if he was worth it. I sighed, "Why do you make things so hard." Wayne bit his lip sliding closer to me, "I don't want to lose you." I shook my head at him still undecided as to what to do, I mean if I forgave him I was giving in, if I stayed mad I was standing my ground but ran the chance of losing him. Letting out a sigh I stood up crossing my arms in front on me. "We start over, from the beginning." Wayne frowned looking up, "what do you mean." I shrugged, " you want this win me back." I walked to the kitchen grabbing my notebook and a pen, writing down my cell number I handed the paper to him turning around. "There's my number, you can call me later."

Wayne let out a sigh standing up walking behind me, he was so close I could feel his body against mine. "You know the first night I met you I..." I turned around biting my lip to keep the grin off of my face. "Wayne that's not funny." Wayne grinned down at me, "you want to start over?" I nodded not sure just what I was agreeing to, I was positive he was not thinking the same thing I was. Looking up at him trying to read his expression I gasped as he snaked his arms around me pulling me to him. His lips made contact with my neck and I felt a chill run over my body. "Umm excuse me I don't know you." Wayne arched his brow looking at me with a smirk, "Oh yeah, let me introduce myself."

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