Chapter Twenty-Nine: Mad

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Getting Gia out of my mind was not easy, Wayne had been silent the entire way home, in fact he was pissed. When he is made his jaw twitches and I kept a watch full eye on it most of the way, I knew he was not mad at me but still he was mad and I had questions I wanted answered. I was not fool enough to hit him with a million questions just yet, he needed time to cool down from his previous confrontation.

Parking in the garage Wayne was out of the car and to the door before I had even killed the engine. Sighing I grabbed my purse wishing we had just stayed home tonight. He had not turned on a single light and the house was pitch black, I did not know the house well enough to maneuver around in the dark and ended up jamming my hip into the edge of the island. Screaming out in pain I about fell out when the lights flashed on, "Brynn why didn't you turn the lights on damn." I frowned up at him, "Cause I would have thought you would have turned them on and because I don't know where the fucking light switch is." Wayne looked at me shaking his head, "Ok my bad, I'm just pissed off."

We stood starring at each other for a minute before Wayne pulled a stool out, "sit." I almost wanted to run past him upstairs, I was in no mood to hear bad news. "Can't we go upstairs?" Wayne shook his head, "no we can go in the living room if you would rather." I sighed, "yes." Slowly standing up I walked behind Wayne keeping my eye on his twitching jaw. I sat down on one end of the couch and he sat on the other.

It felt like we had been sitting forever before Wayne sighed leaning back glancing over at me. "I love you Brynn." I nodded my head, "love you too." Wayne nodded more to himself than at anybody else. "I mean what I said, I cut Gia off after you got here." I sighed, so here it goes. I didn't' know what to say so I just let him talk. "I have been fucking with her off and on for a while." I looked up trying to not let what he was saying upset me, we had already had this conversation, already had that fight.

Finally glancing at Wayne I shook my head, "why are we having this conversation?" Wayne stood up disappearing in the kitchen returning with a blunt "Gia is trouble for us, I just want you to be aware of what was going on because you can damn well bet she will throw it in your face if she gets the chance." I frowned again watching as he lit and took a puff before looking back at me. I shrugged my shoulders, "I already knew you were talking to somebody, I mean its over that's all I care about. It Is over right." Wayne shook his head yes, "Yeah." For some reason his yeah wasn't sitting well with me. "Wayne it has been over since I came down here right."

If guilty had a facial expression Wayne was wearing it now, "yeah, I mean I saw here up until the day you arrived, I was with her the night before." I shook my head, I had know this in my head but hearing it stung still. I felt sick to my stomach and all of the contents threatened to spill out. I was all at once just too much I wanted out of the room, I wanted to go to bed, I was exhausted and just done with today.

Shaking my head I stood up holding my hand out silently just saying stop OK, just stop. Wayne held his hand out, "come here baby, I'm not trying to start shit or upset you, I just wanted you to know if she tries to come at you." I looked up at the ceiling feeling a tear slide down, "why did you bring me down here if you already had somebody." Wayne stood up quickly coming to me pulling me up against him, "cause you're what I wanted, you're want I want now. I don't want to lose you over that bitch." I shook my head, "you lied to me all this time, I fucking knew this and I forgave you. I'm fucking stupid, I just want to go to bed."

Jerking out of Wayne's  grasp I ignored the words coming out of his mouth, walking up the stairs I walked straight to the bedroom stripping out of my clothes and leaving them in a pile in the floor. I slipped in bed in my panties and bra something I never did, Wayne watching me from the doorway never phased me, he might as well not have been there. My eyes demanded to be closed, my tired body felt heavy and I buried myself under the covers. I felt Wayne sit down beside me in the bed, his hands began running up and down my legs. I ignored him shutting my eyes, sleep was all I really wanted. My body did as I bid and I found it hard to even concentrate.

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