Chapter one: The Beginning

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I glanced down at my phone sighing. I already knew by the ring tone exactly who it was. He had been calling every couple of hours and when I wouldn't answer he would send me a text. I could feel my self weaken. I already knew that talking to him would be fatal and seeing him would be even worse. I thought about going to Kinsley's house but didn't know if I wanted to explain to her what was going on. She had no clue about Wayne and I. Chris was the only one of my friends that new about him. Chris and I had been next door neighbors our whole life, he was one of my closest friends. The only one I could ever fully trust. Their was never anything sexual between us, we were more like brother and sister than anything else. People at school even called him my Bubba. He was there that first night we met. It seemed like ages ago and I guess in a way it was. I closed my eyes trying to get Wayne's face out of my head. As much as I hated him I wanted to be in arms. It all started two years ago when Wayne first made it big. I had somehow managed to win tickets and backstage passes to one of his concerts. I had been super excited and as soon as I hung up the phone ran next door to Chris's house jumping up and down. He was just as excited as I was and we both ended up jumping up and down in his kitchen until his momma told us to settle the hell down.

That was almost two years ago. We had both just turned 16 and somehow managed to talk our parents into letting us drive to Dallas by ourselves for the concert. I'm still not sure how we pulled that off. Chris drove us in his new car his mom had bought him for his birthday. We were so crunk the whole way to Dallas. Music blaring, windows down, both of us singing at the top of our lungs. We had no idea where we were going thank God for GPS. As we approached the parking for the concert both of our mouths dropped open. It was unreal how many people were there, it was like ants running around everywhere. I let out a deep breath as we got out of the car. I tucked my id, cash and phone in my pocket and looked over at Chris. He was pumped, ready to go. Walking to the entrance as soon as I showed my pass I was lead by security to our section in the front row. I could reach out and touch the stage. I started jumping up and down. "Chris I can't believe we are here." Chris had looked at me shaking his head. "Brynn calm the fuck down please." I had rolled my eyes impatiently waiting for the concert to start.

When Wayne walked out I had tunnel vision. It was like my body tuned itself to a frequency only he put out. Even though we were surrounded by people all I could ever fully remember was him. He had walked to the edge during one song leaning down shaking peoples hands and when ours touched we had looked eye to eye and I swear to God I felt a electric charge run down my body. The whole rest of the concert Chris and I jumped around like we were crazy singing along to all the songs. We had been instructed where to go after the concert to get pictures with Lil Wayne. Chris pulled our backstage passes out of his back pocket and we put both of them around our neck heading to the south side of the stadium. I was nervous as hell, I was actually going to meet Lil Wayne. Wayne blew up out of nowhere, even though he lived about 6 hours away from us he was still a local celebrity. Chris had been really good friends with Tyga a local raper that Wayne was promoting so he though he was an expert on all things Wayne.

We stepped in the back and I groaned at all the other people who were back there with us. Waiting for our turn and hoping Wayne didn't get bored and bolt I started people watching. Half the girls there were dressed as slutty as possible. I shook my head at them, I guess. When we had finally got close enough to see Wayne I could sense in him he was ready to leave he kept looking around and seemed like he really wasn't into what he was doing anymore. I bit my lip praying he would just stick it out a couple more minutes, all I wanted was a picture, the fact that he would have his arm thrown around me was a huge bonus. Wayne was in the middle of signing some girls program and she was obviously trying to be all over him, he looked bored as hell and looked up and again we made eye contact. He paused for a minute but them blinked his eyes and went back to taking the picture with the girl sticking his tongue out. When it was our turn Chris pushed me in front of him and I was so nervous i was shaking when I handed him my shirt I had bought at the entrance. He laughed at me when he took the shirt out of my hands. "You OK." I nodded feeling my face flush, "Yeah a little nervous." He grinned at me as we turned toward Chris who took our picture with my phone. "SO whats your name." I had to force "Brynn" out of my mouth. Wayne nodded toward Chris, "that your man." I gave Wayne a look like he was completely crazy. "Hell no, that's my brother." Seeing Wayne's eyebrow arch, I shook my head, well he is like my brother. " Wayne nodded. "Alright ma, very nice meeting you." I nodded, and stepped to the side while Chris got his program signed and I stepped forward to take their picture. When Chris walked off I could swear to God Wayne winked at me.

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