Chapter Sixteen: Dallas

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A couple of weeks turned into over a month, I had completely given up on him ever calling. His appearance in Dallas was coming up and Chris kept asking me for details, I had been putting him off but I knew I couldn't keep the act up. I had yet to even tell Kinsley what was really going on, I think I was in denial, in fact I was pretty sure I was in denial. Wayne had shocked me with this whole take a break thing, I had never really even cried over the whole situation. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him, every night I would sleep with my phone cradled to my chest and every morning I felt the sting of disappointment.

Mr. Brock was droning on and on in the front of the class and instead of taking notes I was doodling in my spiral, I knew I would probably regret it later but right now I really didn't care. We only had about ten minutes left before the bell rang and I could go home. I saw my phone light up out of the corner of my eye and readjusted my backpack so I could see it without Mr. Brock realizing what I was doing. Hitting my home button I could have jumped up and down when I saw a text from Wayne telling me to call him when I got out of class.

The next ten minutes had to be the longest ten minutes of my life, I was on the edge of my seat, Mr. Brock never let us go till the bell rang, I swear he believed in working bell to bell. The moment I heard that bell I shoved everything in my bag and sped walked to my locker throwing my whole bag in there before slamming it shut and putting my lock back on. I had drove this week, Chris was going to Kinsley's after school so I didn't have to wait on him. Walking threw the double doors I scrolled to Wayne's number hitting send.

I felt my heart sore when I heard his voice, "hey baby." I bit my lip unsure of exactly what to say I was still mad but at the same time I had missed him like crazy, "hey." Wayne let out a breath and I was having a hard time unlocking my car door. "You mad at me?" I shook my head as I slid behind the wheel, "maybe, should I be." Wayne laughed, "probably, I have to be honest I thought you would have called me by now." I shrugged as I smoothly pulled out of my parking spot. "You wanted a break, I was giving you time, isn't that what you wanted?" Wayne let out a breath, "I was pissed at you but I don't blame you for going left on me, if you told me you was seeing somebody else it would make me mad as fuck." I let out a sigh, "so you still seeing her." He was quiet and I was almost afraid of what he would say, "no I broke it off with her."

I thought that would make me feel better but it didn't. I needed to know how far things had went with the two of them but I didn't want to ask. Wayne seemed to sense my uneasiness, "things never got that far Brynn, she wanted it but I told you I wouldn't do that to you." I shook my head, "whatever." Wayne sighed, "I hate that you don't fucking trust me, I mean yeah I could have fucked her and I came damn close to it but I couldn't do it." If he thought that would make me feel better he was so wrong, in fact it pissed me off even more. I just sat there with my mouth wide open. Wayne let out a deep breath, and I could almost picture him letting out a deep breath of smoke. "Baby don't be pissed, I'm trying, shit." I sighed, "Wayne, I just don't know." I pulled up to my house just sitting in my car, my mom was home.

"Do you think you can come to Dallas this weekend." I frowned, "I don't know, I haven't even asked, Chris would come down with me. I guess we could come down Friday after school, then come back home Sunday. I mean if that is what you want, I figured..." Wayne cut me off, "yeah baby that's good, I won't get to Dallas till that afternoon anyways, do the show Saturday night, then will have to leave Sunday. I'm going to get ya'll a room, you need some money to get there." I shook my head, "Wayne I still got money from the last time you gave me money." He laughed, "damn baby girl, you tight with yur shit." I shook my head, "no I'm tight with your shit." He laughed, "go shopping damn, you better be looking fine as fuck when you get here." I rolled my eyes, "you want me to spend all my money on clothes, so you can send me more cash." I could hear him chuckling."no I just want you happy." I shook my head, "money can't buy me." Wayne gave me a good laugh, "good cause I ain't bout to pay you for shit." I laughed, "fuck you Wayne." I leaned back glancing at the front door to make sure my mom hadn't noticed me yet, "Oh you will, but I got to go baby, I'll text you the details."

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