Chapter Thirty-Five: Truth Hurts

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The next morning I was awoken by beating on our front door, the doorbell going crazy, and both of our cell phones ringing. Snuggling deeper under Wayne I sighed, "can we just ignore them." Wayne kissed my forehead, "I'm bout to let these bitches in but I'm coming back to bed." I nodded my eyes still closed whining when I felt his body slide away from mine. Groaning I curled deeper into the covers, "Ugh hurry up."

The banging had stopped but now was replaced by arguing, Wayne came in the room slamming the door shut, I peeked at him seeing him lock the door before heading toward the bed. "What the hell ?"I asked suddenly intrigued. Wayne collapsed in the bed and I quickly snuggled back to him, "your boy want to bitch at me bout last night, told him to take that shit somewhere else, we sleep up in here." I laughed, "why you lock the door." Wayne arched his brow, "that nigga followed me up the stairs." I shook my head, "well at least he's not beating at our bedroom door." Wayne huffed, "only cause I told his ass he touched it I would beat his mother fucking ass." I rolled my eyes relaxing in his arms, boys.

When I awoke again Wayne was gone and I could hear the shower running, half of my wanted to hide in bed all day and sleep but the other half wanted to go join Wayne in the shower. Still yawning I had to force my body to get up, stumbling to the bathroom I yanked the shower open making Wayne jump. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly changed his mind yanking me in with him. The sudden onslaught of water sent a electric shock through my body making every nerve stand at attention. Wayne pulled me to him turning to block me from most of the water.

"You didn't get enough last night." Wayne asked leaning down to kiss my collar bone. I shrugged , "you ain't that good." I shrieked as Wayne pulled me hard up against him and started tickling my side. "OK, OK..." I gasped as I tried my best to get away from him but the arm he still had wrapped around me was like steel. "I said OK damn it ok, I give." Wayne finally released me laughing as I turned hitting his chest, "jerk." His eyebrow arched and I knew right then and there what he had in mind, and honestly that's exactly what I had in mind when I went in search of him. Wayne's lips on my neck  and his hand disappearing between my legs made me for get all about Kinsley and Chris waiting on us downstairs.

Last night's fight was long forgotten by the time we made our way downstairs, Wayne headed toward the kitchen to make us some coffee and I went in search of Kinsley and Chris. I found them in the living room watching TV. "Hey, " I said sitting down. Chris shot me a look but nodded, Kinsley on the other hand gave me one of her looks and I knew she was getting ready. "OK, so where the hell you go, and why the hell didn't you want us here last night, OK and what the fuck did he say to you." I groaned wishing my coffee would hurry up, "I drove down the rode sat in a parking lot for a while and it don't' really matter what Wayne said, we both said shit to each other that we regretted, we apologized and are good now." Kinsley shook her head, "why couldn't we come over last night." I shrugged, "Wayne and I needed to be alone." Chris jerked his head around at me, "Ya'll need a break, that's what ya'll need, he don't run you, stop jumping when he speaks."

Wayne walked in at that moment and the air was filled with tension, I knew he heard Chris but he handed my my coffee cup leaning down to kiss me, "I've got to handle some shit, I'll be in the office." Looking up I knew something was wrong, I opened my mouth to talk but he shook his head and I got his message, not right now. I wanted to follow him to his office but at the same time knew he wanted to be alone at the moment. Chris waited until Wayne was down the hall, "I'm for real B, you don't have to jump every time he yells." I rolled my eyes, "Christoper, I know you mean well but you don't know what you're talking about. We are fine, every couple fights, hell you and Kinsley fight 90 percent of the time." Chris shrugged, "whatever B, Kinsley and I are going out to eat."

Watching them leave I knew that they were both mad but I didn't feel like they had a reason to be like that. They didn't even know anything about our fight upstairs and that is what had hurt the most. I tried to keep away from Wayne's office but the longer he was behind that door the more I worried about him. Finally when I couldn't take it anymore I went and knocked on the door before slowly opening it. Wayne nodded me as he was writing down something in his planner. Sitting across from him I tried to hear what he was talking about and soon discovered he was making plans to go out of town. I let out a sigh, I had just knew this phone call had something to do with last night.

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