Chapter Twenty-Four: Time Apart

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Sometimes no words are better than speaking your mind and that's exactly what I did, walking up to Wayne I shrugged off his arm as I practically shoved his plate into his chest and slammed his coffee down sending it spilling over the edges. Walking out of the room so fast I made my own head spin I was at least thankful that I had some decent clothes on. I guess Wayne realized that he needed to give me some space because the door that I had slammed shut stayed closed.

Walking into the kitchen I paced around, the plate I made myself sat untouched, there was no way I was about to eat now. Instead I needed busy work and began cleaning what little mess I had mad cooking. I was at a lose as to what to do with the leftover food but I soon discovered that I had a garbage disposal and I put all the leftovers plus my plate down the sink. Grabbing a fresh cup of coffee I made my way into my living room opening up the curtains letting the morning light fill the room. I could almost forget Wayne and his bullshit sitting in a oversized chair by the window. Looking out I blanked my mind, I didn't want to face reality right now, I wished I was still in bed oblivious to any of this.

It could have been minutes, hours, or even days, that is how out of it I was when Wayne came out of the room. He had changed into some loose jeans and had thrown on a wife beater. I cocked my eyebrow at him before turning my attention back out the window. "Talk to me Brynn, scream at me, shit do something." I ignored him but as calm as I was on the outside, I was freaking out on the inside. What the hell should I do, hell I should jump the first flight back to Texas that's what I should do. Wayne kept inching his way closer and closer pausing after each step to gauge my reaction.

"Wayne what do you want, I need some space, I need some time. I mean I'm not really stupid enough to think that you weren't fucking other people, but you know I kinda thought once I was here it would stop. Guess that's  being young and dumb huh." Wayne threw his head back letting out a sigh, "Baby I don't know what to say to make it better OK, I meant to end things with her but its taking longer than expected." I shrugged, I had been naive enough to believe that I had been his only girl but I wasn't going to admit it to him. Standing up I turned my back to Wayne, "you can let yourself out."

Walking to the bedroom I was amazed at what I had just said, I was sending Lil Wayne on his own way. Shutting the door I leaned back against it for a minute before going and sitting on the bed laying back. When I thought enough time had passed I got up walking in the living room expecting to see Wayne still there waiting on me but he was gone. The apartment immediately felt less inviting than before. Digging threw my bags I found my laptop and went to my cozy chair by the window. I had to get up and search for the router so I could hook to the internet but after a few missed I found it.

It was after 4 when I finally got up and went in search of my phone, it was still on the nightstand charging from the night before. Unplugging it I saw I had several missed text. I opened Kinley's thread first decided that I couldn't' handle Wayne right now. I chose my response to her text very carefully I knew the littlest thing would clue her into something being wrong. As I figured the minute I hit send she was responding back. We text back and forth for close to an hour before I told her I had to go and would talk to her later.

Getting up I grabbed a coke out of the fridge before braving Wayne's text, it was a bunch of I'm sorry and forgive me. I really didn't' have shit to say to him and after starring at my phone's screen for close to thirty minutes decided that he didn't need a response from me. Yawning I decided it was time for a nap, yesterday had been exhausting and today had been even more so. Curling up in the bed I cuddled into my blankets expecting to have trouble falling asleep but was soon passed out.

The unmistakable ring tone woke me up, I opened my eyes forgetting where I was for a moment. Glancing around the dark room I grabbed my phone, but it had already stopped ringing. Laying back down I kept my phone cradled to my side, instead of feeling refreshed I felt even more tired than I was when I had laid down. I closed my eyes again trying to drift back off, I knew I should get up but I had no desire to.

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