Chapter Ten: Going Home

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Waking up snuggled up to Wayne was one of the best feelings in the world. I felt so protected with his arms around me. He was still asleep and looked so peaceful, I hated that I had to fly out today, the not knowing when I was going to see him again thing really bothered me. We had never talked anymore about me moving to Florida and my mind still didn't completely wrap around the whole move up here and I'll take care of you thing. How would I explain that one, hey mom, hey dad yeah I'm moving to Miami, no don't worry, Lil Wayne, he's a rapper pretty sure you don't know him, he has me. I didn't see that going well, I guess if I applied for colleges in Miami I would have a better reason to go. I mean its not like they could stop me I would be 18 this summer. I rolled my eyes, yeah don't think they would care.

I tried to roll out of Wayne's grip but he tightened his arms around me pulling me back against his chest. "Where you think your going." I groaned, "I gotta go take a shower before I have to go." Wayne opened his eyes looking at me. "I'm going to miss you baby." I looked up kissing him. "Promise I will see you soon." Wayne nodded, "even if I got to come crawling in your window like a little ass high school boy I will." I grinned at him. "I'll make it worth the trip." He bit his lip grinning at me, "what happened to the good girl I met." I shrugged running my hands over his tattoos on his chest. "You, that's what happened, I was so good until I met you, now I'm sneaking off to be with some thug." I busted out laughing as Wayne made a face at me for calling his a thug. "I'm just kidding baby, you know I'm playing." Wayne smirked, "mmhmmm, OK, I got ya."

Wayne grabbed his phone, "damn baby you got to be at the airport in a few, you better go get in the shower." I frowned sitting up, Wayne pulled my face down to his, "don't pout, I'm coming with you." I arched my brow at him but go up, I had just stepped in the shower when I heard him come in and open the door. I had just put the shampoo in my hair when he stepped in, I was standing under the shower head washing out the soap so when he got in we were facing each other. He stepped closer to me so that we were skin to skin. I closed my eyes as his lips mad contact with my collar bone. My hands wrapped around his waist and he looked up into my eyes. "I really do want you up here this summer." I nodded, "I will put in some apps for up here." Wayne tilted my head up leaning down to kiss me, "I know you nervous baby, but I promise you if things end bad with us I wouldn't just leave you with nothing." I shook my head, "lets talk about this later," I leaned in kissing his chest distracting him. Things quickly heated up and we took things from the shower right back to the bed.

By the time I was finally dressed and packed I felt like crying. Wayne was sitting on the edge of the bed smoking a blunt watching me. "Come here." I walked up to him and he pulled me between his legs, "get that frown off your face baby, I promise I'll see you soon." I nodded at him, "so you going to really do this faithful thing." Wayne bit his lip and sighed, "Yeah I'mma try my best." I frowned again as he stood up pulling me into his arms. "What about you, can you be down for ya boy." I met his lips for a kiss, "I been down for you from day one, you just didn't know." He grinned at me and grabbed my bags taking them downstairs. The same guy that brought me to the house was in the kitchen waiting on us and I turned into Wayne laying my head on his chest as he handed my bags over. Wayne grabbed my by both arms pushing me out. "Brynn look up at me." I sighed looking up feeling a tear slide down my cheek, Wayne wiped it away. "No crying, I'll call you tonight and I promise I'll see you before Christmas OK." I nodded as he leaned in giving me one last kiss goodbye.

Wayne walked me to the garage shutting the door as I slide in. "Behave." I rolled my eyes at him, "you behave." The trip to the airport sucked, I text Kinsley letting her know I was on the way to the airport and she said her and Chris were already in Dallas that they had stayed the weekend to just call here when my flight landed. The airport was crammed with people and I though I would never find my way to my gate, I hated airports, especially being alone in an airport. I made it just in time to start boarding, I sighed feeling like I was leaving my heart behind. I was positive I love Wayne and I knew it was stupid as hell for me to do that. He never said he would be faithful just that he would try, try my ass hell.

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