Chapter 41: I will Make This Right

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A week had passed since Wayne and Chris had walked out the door, there was radio silence on both ends. I had dutifully went with Kinsley to her sonogram and we found out she was going to have a little girl. Kinsley was excited but at the same time disappointed when Chris didn't't show up for her appointment. I was the one who broke first and sent Chris a text of the sonogram pics telling him congrats on the baby girl. He commented back simply saying yeah, which only mad Kinlsey and I both madder at him.

I was having serious guilt issues about Kinsley and Chris not talking so I had text Chris non stop until he agreed to meet me one day for lunch. Escaping Kimnsley had turned out to be harder than I had imagined, her and I had became glued at the hip and when I told her I needed to go out for a while she had insisted on coming, I had to do some major fast talking to make her change her mind without her realizing I didn't't want her following along with me.

Chris and I had to be careful where we met up at because there was already rumblings about him and Kinlsey splitting and we both agreed that us being seen together would only start more rumors. Ironically enough we met up at the same hotel me and Wayne had been staying in, I felt sick to my stomach on my way up to his floor halfway wanting to go to the room Wayne and I had shared and knock on the door to see if he was still there.

As I knocked on Chris's door I tried my best to listen wondering if he would have dared invited Wayne. When he walked in I looked around slowly, "No B, Wayne ain't here, well he ain't in my room. You know he refuses to leave Cali without you." I turned around looking at him, "he hasn't called." Chris made a face, "maybe he is waiting on you." I shrugged not wanting to talk about Wayne at that moment. "You haven't' called Kinley either are you waiting on her to call." Chris shook his head, "Let's eat before we talk OK, you look like you losing weight instead of gaining."

We eat outside on his private balcony, it was actually nice, we didn't't talk about Wayne, didn't't talk about Kinlsey, just talked. I had forgotten how funny and stupid Chris was, he was truly my best friend and I had missed him. When our meal was over we both sat staring at each other knowing we were about to be on opposite sides again. I was sad in a way wishing that he would see my side of things but I knew I was here for a reason I was here to fix him and Kinlsey's relationship, mine was beyond repair.

We moved back inside and Chris sunk down on teh couch kicking his feet up on the coffee table,
"OK B, talk." I let out a breath moving to sit beside him on the couch rubbing my belly, " I feel bad Chris, you and Kinsley wouldn't even be fighting if it wasn't for me. The two of you don't have shit to do with me and Wayne so you need to take your ass home and make up." Chris looked over at me sighing, "you aren't' the reason we are fighting, we been fighting, that's what we do we fight to makeup and make up to fight." I opened my mouth to tell him then he needed to go make up with Kinsley now but he cut me off, "you really need to go talk to Wayne B, you got him fucked up, all he do is stay high , like so high he just sits there not speaking to nobody. Baby has even came trying to snap him out of it but he just ignores all of us. The only time he does act semi normal is when he goes to the booth." I shrugged, "not my problem."

Chris cut his eyes at me, "Wayne ain't your problem?" I looked down at my feet trying not to worry about Wayne. "You know I love him Chris, I miss the hell out of him but he isn't good for me, you're the one that always tried to tell me that." Chris sat up straight, "Yeah I know what I said but I know he in't lying to you this time, I've talked to him a lot this last couple of weeks B and I know he isn't lying to you, he put it on his momma he isn't. Just please talk to him and listen to him, really listen to him."

Throwing my head back I closed my eyes, "I'll think about it OK, I'm just not ready to see him right now, he has broken my heart too many times." Chris nodded, "I'll go talk to Kinsley if you go talk to Wayne." I groaned, "Chris that's not fair." Chris shrugged, "life's not fair but that's the deal." I frown at him, "fine Chris but you have to go first." Chris looked over at me grinning, "deal, I'll show up tonight and talk to her OK, will that make you happy." I nod at him, "no fighting OK promise." Chris nodded, "same with you and Wayne." I frown, "umm no that's not part of the deal Chris." Chris reached over grabbing my hand, "just trust me OK." I frown but nod at him.

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