Chapter Thirty-One: OMG

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Wayne had been gone almost a week, he had originally only planned to be gone two days but as he said things came up. I wasn't' too happy about his extended stay but it wasn't' like I could do anything about it. I had still been receiving private calls, I had gotten used to ignoring them now. Wayne had suggested I change my number but I refused, at least for now I wanted to keep everything the same. The doorbell rang and I got up grabbing some money off the coffee table, I had ordered a pizza and had been waiting on it rather impatiently, I was starving.

The guy at the door tried to make small talk but I just handed him his money grabbed my boxes and told him bye. The smell of my food had my stomach growling, I had ordered a thin crust pizza with pepperoni, bacon, and black olives, an order of spinach and feta stuffed bread, and some cinnamon sticks. I am surprised I haven't gained like 20 pounds but in fact I had lost almost ten pounds just since Wayne had been gone. To be honest I hadn't been feeling great lately, I was either starving or would get sick even thinking about eating, there was no in between.

Plopping my boxes down on the bar I grabbed a plate and started filling it up. While eating I started playing with my phones and checking out different apps. Most of them I found I didn't use anymore and decided to delete them. Coming across my period tracker I opened it up and frowned I was late, I hadn't had a period since May. How the hell did I not know I had missed two whole months. My hands started shaking and suddenly I didn't' want to eat the food in front of me. There is no way I was ready to have a baby, Wayne was going to freak the fuck out. There was only a couple of times that we had sex without a condom, he was on point most of the time. I closed my eyes trying to decide what to do, maybe I wasn't' pregnant, maybe I was just stressed.

Running upstairs I grabbed my keys, Wayne didn't want me going anywhere by myself but he would have to get over this. Anyways what he didn't know would hurt him right. I googled the closest drug store setting my gps. Turning the radio all the way down I gnawed at my lip the entire way, I hated Florida traffic. Thankfully the store was on my side of the road so the only thing I would have to worry about was getting my ass back home.

Walking int CVS I looked around to see if anyone was watching me, when I was sure I was good I went and found what I was in search off. I'm sure the checkout girl was laughing at me, I had walked to the counter with the damned pregnancy test hid under my arm. I didn't dare pay with a credit card afraid some how it could be tracked, instead I paid with a twenty telling the girl to keep the change, that's how bad I wanted out of that store. Stuffing the test in my purse I told my gps to go home and was thankful that the way it had me leaving the store made it simple to get back home.

Arriving home I felt like I was a sneaking around, even thought I knew nobody was home I made certain to be as quiet as possible heading upstairs. Ripping open the package I sat on the toilet and did my business, replacing the cap I starred at the hourglass moving in circles. I wanted no uncertainty, no is that a line, I had bought a digital pregnancy test. Barley able to stand still I started gathering my trash and stuffing it back in the sack from the store, when I looked back down I about had a heart attack, sure enough it said pregnant.

Emotions started running through me, I didn't know how to feel. Hearing noise downstairs I shoved the test in the sack with its box and stuffed it in a bottom drawer until I decided what to do. Heading downstairs I saw Wayne in the kitchen eating a piece of my pizza. He eyed me as I walked toward him, "you about to sit your ass down and eat this plate you fixed, I ain't been gone a week and you look like you ain't ate since I left." I gave him a face rolling my yes, "I had to run upstairs for something." Wayne shook his head, "babe you know this shit ain't hot no more, I need to go upstairs you got a lover up there." Frowning at him I couldn't tell if he was serious or not.

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