Chapter Thirty: Losing my Mind

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The next couple of days seemed to fly by, Wayne had an appearance in New York and was getting ready to go out of town. In return I was walking around the house pouting, he was not ready for me to travel with him. The media had found out about us quickly, especially after he moved me in the house with him. The fact that I was newly 18 had not escaped them and had every one speculating that our relationship had been going on much longer. Wayne refused to answer any questions about us and I never spoke to any of the cameras that were occasionally shoved in my face. Wayne would always just squeeze my hand and pull be behind him.

When I made my way back to the bedroom I found Wayne zipping up his perfectly packed suitcase. I instantly frowned, "you feeling any better." I shrugged, "will probably jut go to sleep when you leave." Wayne gave me a long hard look watching me sink down on the bed, "you will be OK love." I shrugged, "I know," I grinned up at him, "give me some time to go check out these hot Florida boys." Wayne arched his eyes licking his lips, "I really wish you would." I looked up at him, "you better behave too mister." Wayne crossed his heart, "I promise Brynn." I rolled my eyes, "I' not the side chick anymore." Wayne started laughing, "stop watching my shit, I be high when they be recording that shit." I smirked, "yeah OK."

When Wayne left I crawled back up in the bed and called Kinsley, it was Chris that answered the phone, "Oh so you can call Kinsley but not your best friend." I rolled my eyes laughing, "Umm hate to bust your bubble sweetheart but Kinsley is my best friend." Chris made a shocked sound, "Aight, Imma remember that." I couldn't help but bust out laughing, "Bubba you know I love you." Chris made a hmph sound, "You better after all I put you on to Wayne got you to where you are now." I bit my lip, "umm OK, whatever you say, how long did you try to convince me not to talk to him." Chris was silent for a moment, "I just want whats best for you." Sighing I frowned, "I know Chris your my bubba that's what you are supposed to do."

After a little argument Chris handed Kinsley over the phone. "Ugh your brother gets on my damn nerves, so how has everything been." I leaned back against my pillows catching her up on all things Wayne. She about had a heart attack when I told her about Gia. "Omg B, I would murder him, he has some major kissing ass to do." I agreed 1oo%, she had no idea how much Wayne had hurt me. She  filled me in with all things going on at home, her plans to go to college. Her and Chris had planned to come down late August, I couldn't' wait.

Sitting forward I sighed, "I don't think I'm going to register for college this semester." Kinsley sounded like she was about to choke, "what isn't that your whole reason for moving to Florida." I let out a breath, "K honey we both know I moved to Florida for one reason and one reason only, to be with Wayne." Kinsley laughed, "yeah I know boo boo, but still, I just want better things for you. I mean are you going to work, are you going to go to school next semester." I shrugged, "I don't know Wayne don't' want me to work, I might do online classes." Kinsley  groaned, "Brynn don't let him suck you into his web, you are still you, not just his chick." I rolled my eyes, "OK Mom."

Speaking of Mom's mine still was ignoring me, Kinsley and I talked a little longer before getting off the phone. Wayne had only been gone and hour and I missed his ass like crazy, I rolled my eyes at myself snuggling deep in the covers. As hard as I tried to go to sleep I couldn't, my mind was running crazy. Giving in I walked in the kitchen grabbing a bottle of tea. I knew I should eat but I had no idea what I wanted to eat. I looked in the freezer, checked every cabinet, even looked through the menus but still found nothing that I wanted. Groaning I walked in the living room sinking down on the couch.

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