Chapter 17: Secrets, Secrets, Are No Fun...

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*Kat's POV*

"Ok, something is totally wrong with you right now. Please tell me what's wrong." Zayn said to me. We were in my living room, sitting on the couch in silence. Well, he had probably been talking, but I wasn't listening at all. My mind was elsewhere.

"What?" I asked, popping out of my bubble.

"Kat. Please talk to me. What has you... like this?"

"It's a long story. It's really not important at all." I tell him, just as the doorbell rings.

"I've got it." I tell Zayn as I stand and walk over to the door and fling it open, finding Justin standing there with a boquet of hot pink roses.

"I came to give you these." Justin told me, smiling the exact same smile that used to make me melt like a popsicle on a hot day. Now, it gave me chills.

I step outside and close the door behind me. I didn't want Zayn to have to know of Justin's existance. I couldn't let Zayn have anything to do with someone like Justin.

"Why are you here?" I asked, heat growing in the pit of my stomach that had been slowly sinking.

"I just wanted to see you and talk to yo-"

"Listen, my boyfriend is in that house and I don't want him to have to know that you exist. You're just a mistake I made, ok? I'm not going to sugar coat it. You hurt me. I don't ever want to have to see your face again. EVER. Do you understand that?" I was on the brim of screaming.

"I understand. I know I hurt you, but we're meant to be together." He grabbed me and kissed me. I fought to shove him off, but Justin was much bigger. I didn't stand a chance.

"Stop!" I tried to yell, but it came out muffled between our lips, mine being forced onto his. His hands pressed me against him so tightly that there wasn't any air between us.

Memories flooded back to me as I continued trying to get out of his iron grip. I refused to stop fighting him.

His grip loosed for just enough time to let me shove him away, so that he stumbled backwards and fell down the porch steps.

"We will never belong together. No matter how much you force your disgusting self on me. Never." I hissed viciously.

"You're lying to yourself." Justin said. He had himself convinced. I shook my head.

Justin stood and wiped off his jeans. Then, he walked back up the porch steps and grabbed me. I kicked and screamed. He dragged me down the driveway and across the road, to where his car was.

"STOP. JUSTIN, STOP!" I screamed shrilly, like a horror movie.

I heard a car skid to a stop, and before I know it, Justin had dropped me. And was getting tackled to the ground by Julia and Riley, who were obviously pissed.

"You ass! You don't touch her. Hear me?" Julia screamed, then punched him so hard I heard his nose crack. Talk about ew.

"Oh, and THAT'S for not letting go when she told you to." Riley said, kicked him where the sun don't shine, and blew him a kiss.

Justin stood, then climbed into his car. Not a sound came out of him this time. He turned on the car and drove away, and we stood on the side of the road, watching him go.

"Who was that guy?" Julia asked

"I don't know." I lied, and they nodded.

"You guy's don't have to stick around, I'll be fine. I'll call you later, ok?" I told them, not waiting for their answer before I walked back into the house, my arms wrapped around myself because of the snow that I just now realized had begun to fall. It was beautiful. White, pure. Unlike the lies I had told.

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