Chapter 3: The Drama already starts.

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*Megan's P.O.V*

Things couldn't have been going better. Zayn and Kat were outside, Harry and Kristy were talking about lord knows what by the piano, and Niall and I were dancing all crazy by the speakers. As for Louis, Liam, and Riley, they seemed to be having a good time playing some game on the Wii.

I noticed Julia sitting up on the couch, and I imediately walked over to her, followed by Niall, MY favorite member in One Direction. "Wha-what happened?"

"You passed out on the way here." Niall replied.

"I did?" She asked, looking over at me.

"Yeah, you did. It was pretty scary you know." I answered her.

"Oh." She said, and we sat down on the couch next to her.

We hung out there for another half an hour when Kristy finally piped up. "It's getting kinda late, we should probably get going."

Julia sighed. "Yeah, I guess your right."

"Before you go," Liam handed me 5 tickets to the One Direction concert in 3 days, along with backstage passes.

"Thanks," I told him.

''We'll see you then."

We walked out, Kristy in the lead, and drove home.

*Riley's P.O.V*

The car ride home was loud, all of us having stories to tell. Everyone except Kat. She looked pissed like heck. Im just like what the heck? But whatever.

I wasn't about to ask her what was up, not here at least.

"What's up with Kat?" Julia leaned over and whispered in my ear.

I shrugged. "No clue."

"Mmm." She shook her head and leaned away.

I was beginning to really start wondering what was up. I mean, usually Kat tells me stuff like this almost immediately. Obviously, this was really, really serious.

As we pulled into Kristy's driveway, Kat looked more pissed then ever. I knew something was about to happen.

We all climbed out and headed inside, taking out bags because we were having a sleepover, just like we did every Friday.

A lot had happened today though.

I plopped myself down on the couch in the living room, knowing Kristy's parents weren't home.

"Hey Megan, can I talk to you?" Kat said through gritted teeth.

"Sure!" Megan replied a little too cheerily.

They both headed outside.

Now just Julia, Kristy, and I were indoors.

Julia looked a lot better, not so pale. She'd gotten her color back, thank god. 

"I still can't believe we met One Direction! And we won tickets to see their concert!" Julia was obviously pumped.

"I know! This is like a freaking dream!" I answered.

"I couldn't agree more." Kristy chimed in.

Julia jumped onto the couch I was on, and we peeked through the curtain to see what was up with Megan and Kat.

Bad idea.

*Julia's P.O.V*

I gasped, and Kristy quickly came over to look too. Kat was screaming about something she was obviously furious about, and Megan was on the verge of tears. I was scared. What on this earth could've happened to make Kat that mad?

Well, we were about to find out.

We kept watching, unable to keep our eyes off the situation. Megan started talking, but Kat began yelling again. My fear quickly turned into worry. 

What was going on out there?

Then, in the blink on an eye, Kat turned and punched the side of the house.

"Oh my freaking god." Riley murmured.

"We need to go do something!" Kristy was scared to death, I could tell.

"Not yet." I whispered under my breath.

"No, we need to go out there now." Riley said loudly, standing up.

She was right.

I threw open the front door, and lunged on Kat just as she was about to punch Megan in the stomache.

"Get the hell off of me!" She screamed, thrashing under me.


She shoved me off her, and stood up, jumping at Megan. But Megan was fast. She dodged Kat quickly, and Kat ran into Kristy, fire blazing in her eyes.

Riley grabbed Kat, trying to hold her back from taking another lunge at Megan.

Kristy was screaming.

I could tell Riley was loosing grip of Kat, so I took that opportunity to jump on Kat's back. I tackled her to the ground, her screaming the whole time. Kat was super pissed.

She'd never been violent like this before.

Kristy and Riley helped me pin her to the ground.

"Kathleen, calm the frick down!" I yelled, using her full name so she understood that I was serious.

But she kept trying to get away, get at Megan.

"Kathleen, listen to me! You need to calm down or I'm calling the police!" Kristy yelled.

"You wouldn't." Kat said dangerously, her thrashing beginning to die down.

"Watch me." Kristy told her and took out her phone, showing that 911 was on speed dial.

Kat ripped her hand out of Kristy's grip and smacked her. 


Riley smacked Kat harder. 

We waited a few minutes for Kat to calm down, and then Kristy went off to go find Megan and make sure that she was ok.

Megan was in tears.

Kristy brought Megan inside, and me and Riley let Kat go and took her inside, too.

I could tell things were about to get even crazier.

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