Chapter 1: A Night to Remember

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*Julia's P.O.V*

"So, where do you want me to park the car?" Kristy's voice brought me out of one of my major zone-outs.

"Huh? Oh, um, park it by Aeropostale. I've loved that store lately."

"Don't we all?" Megan chimed in from the backseat with Kat and Riley.

"Well no duh!" Kat rang out.

We parked Kristy's bright green Ford Fiesta and walked up to the mall, just like we all did every Friday night after school. It was our main hang outside of school, with all 5 of us. After all, not all of us were free everyday. Between Kat's soccer, Megan and I's volleyball, Kristy's piano, and Riley's cheerleading and gymnastics practices, there just wasn't much time.

Megan's medium-length brunette hair coursed down to a little below her broad shoulders. Her hazel eyes glittered in the sunlight, and her tan skin looked even tanner against hew pearly white short-shorts. Her wavy sidebangs were braided and clipped to the side, and her plain navy blue tank-top made her look like a model.

Riley had been kinda quiet for the whole ride, which was really weird, because Riley wasn't the quiet type. Her fading fushia highlights looked natural in her light, layered brunette hair, which was pin straight. She wore a pair of blue wedges, which matched her big blue hoop earrings, and a eye-catching blue t-shirt with  "LOVE" written on it in bright white.

Kristy was entirely different. She was clad in flowered shorts and a lacy baby-pink top, with a hot pink tank unnderneath it. Her feet wore a pair of gorgeous stillettos. She had light blonde hair, with bangs that bumped out on her forehead. Her long, tan legs looked beautiful in her outfit.

And last but certainly not least, Kat. Kat was shortest, and was definitely beautiful in every way. She was filipino, with long, dark hair and super tan skin. She wore a dark brown shirt made of thin fabric, with white flowers around the neckline. Her shorts were a faded blue, with a layer of a croched flower design on the back pocket. Her blue Toms held the outfit together.

We walked into the mall, with Kat in the lead, as usual. Although she may have been the smallest in height, she was not the smallest as a leader.

"What the..." Riley said aloud.

"Huh?" I murmured, and then I saw the giant mob of girls standing by the food court, screaming about lord knows what. I heard screaming behing us too, and turned around to face another mob of girls screaming even louder, trying to join the group already formed of about 50 girls and counting.

And then we were trampled. 

Megan got off the floor first, followed by Kristy, Riley, Kat, and lastly me. My legs hurt from where they had been stepped on, along with the rest of my body. None of the other girls looked any better. 

"What the frick just happened?!" Was Kat's first response. I rubbed my leg, ptrying to ease the pain in it.

"No idea." Came Megan's reply.

We approached the crowd cautiously, not sure wether we'd get trampled again or not. It felt like we were approaching deadly wild animals. Instead, these animal's were fangirling teenagers. I was scared as heck, and I could tell all my friends were too.

I peered through an opening in the heads, and gasped. Because standing at the middle of the mob was my favorite band in the world.

One Direction.

*Megan's P.O.V*

One Direction? In OUR mall? No way. This could not be real. We all loved 1D! I couldn't believe Niall Horan was standing so close to me.

I felt like jumping up and down and screaming while laughing and crying at the same time. I don't think I could've uttered a single word if I tried, I was so speechless.

Calm down Megan, deep breaths.

But there was no way I could breathe, the air was caught in my throat.

I was weak at the knees.

I noticed Kat pushing through the crowd, probably trying to get closer to Louis, her favorite at that point. I stayed towards the edge, with everyone else though, because I wasn't as crazy as Kat. None of us were, really.

I couldn't believe this was happening. To us, of all people. We weren't lucky. It wasn't like we lived in a huge town where celebrities flocked to, either. Sure, we didn't live on farms in the middle of nowhere, but that doesn't mean this small town was anything compared to Hollywood.

I grinned from ear to ear.

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