𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠

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Y/N was walking with Sukuna and Itadori, each on one of her sides. They each needed to be supervised, though for different reasons. 

Itadori had to be stopped from wandering off to food stalls. Sukuna kept leering menacingly at kids, even though most of them couldn't see him. Y/N sighed. It was like being a babysitter. Except that she really had the urge to, literally, sit on them. If just to keep them in check. In a strictly non-violent way though, of course.

It was the third day, and they were meeting up with Gojo and his group in four days. They had collected exactly- one finger. Now, with twin finger sensors (AKA Sukuna and Itadori), they were searching in another village. 

Chatting, shouting, and the normal loudness of a market was everywhere. However.. a string of badly concealed tension ran through every interaction, every whisper. There was fear in the air- and Y/N was here to discover why. 


"I'm hungry," huffed Sukuna.

Itadori looked at him with sympathy. "Me too, bro." 

"Well, hi Hungry, I'm your eternal haunter, remember?" said Y/N, her eyes twinkling. 

Itadori frowned. "I didn't know you liked dad jokes, Y/N. Lame."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "I do, in fact. Dad jokes are awesome. And respect your elders, child. Especially elders who could beat your butt in a fight."

Itadori felt the veiled threat and quickly looked away.

"Blah! If you aren't going to give me food, I might as well have one of these kids," muttered Sukuna, looking around to inspect the "food". There were indeed many "foods" milling around the market. Putting a hand to his chin in thought, he grinned as he spotted a particularly yummy-looking one. He was about to walk over when-

He was pulled back (rather roughly) by the collar of his robes. 

"How many times have I told you? Don't eat the children. Or adults, for that matter," reprimanded Y/N, looking exasperated.

Everyone who could see the curses stayed away from the weird woman and her strange words. Very far away. 

Sukuna crossed his arms in a sulk. "Woman, you trying to starve me to death?"

Itadori nodded sadly, backing him up. "Foooooooood!" he murmured helpfully.

Y/N was never going to find out anything at this rate. Might as well get them something to eat while investigating. Walking up to one of the vendors, she ordered three bowls of yakisoba. The man nodded and began preparing the food. 

"Hey, could I ask you some questions? About strange activity in this area?" asked Y/N softly, making sure that people passing by couldn't hear.

The man looked at her with distrust in his eyes, though his eyes brightened a bit when Y/N passed him double the amount of money she needed to pay.

"Okay miss, what are your questions?" he asked, though still a bit warily.

"Have you noticed any people going missing? Or news of a strange creature?" questioned Y/N.

The vendor nodded. "Just the other night.." he shivered. "I heard this laughter outside my house. It chilled my blood. It didn't sound human."

Y/N silently commented, maybe it's because it wasn't human. 

"People have been disappearing, but no one is brave enough to find out why." Waving a hand at the market, he said sadly, "Everyone is on edge, scared that they're going to be next. The only thing you can do is to stay inside at night and hope for the best."

Y/N saw the fear inside the man's eyes, and something squeezed her heart. She remembered the same look in her mother's eyes, such a very long time ago. Clenching her fist, she looked directly into the man's eyes. "We're not from here, but.. I'm going to stop this. I promise."

(A/N: when a character closes their fist you know they're the main character😩)

Itadori, who had been listening in, chimed in. "Sir, we'll definitely help you!"

Sukuna just sneered condescendingly. Emotional sheep, the lot of them.

The man smiled, a true smile. "I don't know who you are, but- thank you." Suddenly realizing something, he said to Y/N, "Do you and your companions-"

A snort came from Sukuna's direction. As if he would stoop so low as to be their "companion". They were more like.. his devoted servants. Yes.

Y/N turned to him with a glare, then faced back to the vendor, smiling sweetly. "Please, continue. My friend is rather rude and interruptive."

Sensing some tension between the two, the man quickly continued. "Would you all like to stay at my house for the duration of your visit? I have a wife and kids, so it might not be the most peaceful place-"

"Sure!" yelled Yuji enthusiastically. Then looking at Y/N, he murmured apologetically, "Uh, Y/N, could I have my yakisoba now? I'm starving."

Date: 2021/05/19

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