Chapter 1: On Your Knees

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It was really busy at the police station that day.

A lot of riots have been going on around town ever since the Black Lives Matter movement started and it only made being a cop that much harder.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the indifference against us.

I also understand that everyone has a right to protest for what they believe in.

However, some people are taking advantage of the situation by looting stores or causing other crimes that are making our job even harder.

I sigh as I finish up some paperwork for the last guy I brought in.

Somehow he just happened to find a 80 inch tv "lying around".

I shake my head, ready for this day to be over.

"Don't frown so hard, you'll get wrinkles."

I roll my eyes and turn around to see my partner Bobby leaning back in his chair with his feet up on his desk.

His real name is James McCray but everyone calls him Bobby.

Mostly because he would always get into something and it sounded better to say "damn it Bobby!" Than "Damn it james!".

Yes it's a king of the hill reference.

We went to high school together but since he's a few years older than me, he graduated the academy a couple years before me.

Naturally, he treats me like his little sister but in my eyes, he's like the annoying older brother that I honestly probably needed.

He gets on my nerves on a daily basis, but I know he'll always have my back no matter what.

"Well if my partner actually got off his ass and did some work around here then maybe I wouldn't frown so often."

I roll my eyes at him,knocking his feet off the desk.

He chuckles as he straightens himself up.

"Oh come now Spence. You know you're still a rookie so i have no choice but to leave the grunt work to you. It's a right of passage in a way I guess."

I ignore his excuses, trying to get my mind back on track.

Oh yeah, my name is Spencer McAllister but everyone just calls me Spence.

I'm a 22 year old police officer working for the NYPD.

I grew up in this area so it only felt right to come back and help protect my city to the best of my abilities.

Deciding to become a police officer in this day and age is a tough choice.

Half of the world hates cops even though most of us are the good guys.

I've always wanted to be that one cop that makes a difference and that's exactly what I plan to do.

After a little while, my back starts to feel like I've got a ton of bricks laying on me so I start to get ready to head home.

It's been a long day and a nice bath is calling my name.

As I prepare to leave, I hear a commotion at the front door.

Two officers are dragging in an African American woman that seems to be giving them a good fight.

My first thought is that they must be on some type of drug to try to take on two officers in the middle of the police station, or they're just plain out crazy.

"Stop resisting!" One of the officers yell as the try their best to restrain her.

"Like hell I will! I didn't do anything wrong, you did you sick bastard!"

Yes misses officer, I'll go out with you.(WLW INTERRACIAL)Where stories live. Discover now