Chapter 13: My Queen

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Spencer's POV

"Who the Fuck is that?"

I stare at my friend wide eyes as she peeks through the door at the woman in the kitchen.

"Who bri? That's Liz's best friend."

She doesn't even react to what I said.

She's too busy staring.

"Uhh hello? Earth to elanor?"

She whips her head around glaring at me.

She hates when I call her by her first name but I always get a kick out of it.

"Why didn't you tell me Liz had such a gorgeous friend?"

I scoff as I lean against the wall next to her.

"Probably because I have my own beauty to look at. I'd be careful Jess. She just got out of some mess and I don't think she's looking for anybody right now."

Her face falls for a moment before she nods.

I watch as she straightens her clothes a bit before heading into the kitchen and offering to make bri a drink.

It's interesting.

I haven't sent Jess show any interest in anyone in months yet the moment her eyes land on bri she's amazed.

It kind of reminds me of the moment I met Liz.

"Somethin on your mind hot stuff?"

I smile an wrap an arm around her as she drapes her arms around my neck.

"Just some gorgeous gal in my life. Nothin special."

She raises a brow at me with a playful expression on her face.

"Oh? Am I not special enough for you?"

I feel my heart swell.

This woman in my arms is the most precious thing in the world to me.

The way she sounds when she laughs.

They way she smiles at me with such content.

The way she feels wrapped up in my arms.

Everything about her is special.

"You're perfect."

Her smile widens and we close the gap between our lips.

Her soft, sweet lips awakening a hunger within me.

A low moan escapes her lip as I push my tongue into her mouth.

Her hand find their way into my hair, deepening the kiss.

Feeding our desires.

When we part our breathing is heavy.

Our eyes our locked and I'd love to see those tears fall from her eyes again.

I look down when I feel her fingers tickling the skin underneath my shirt.

"You want something, don't you?"

I bite my lip as her hooded eyes peer up at me.

The energy between us has shifted and I feel powerless under her gaze.

I want to kneel before her.

I want to worship every inch of her body.

I want to please her.

"Come on."

I groan a bit when her hand suddenly goes down and grabs my Pussy though my jeans.

"Tell me baby. What is it that you want?"

Yes misses officer, I'll go out with you.(WLW INTERRACIAL)Where stories live. Discover now