Chapter 2: And They Were Roommates

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The next morning I had the day off.

We've been working 12 hour shifts for the last couple of months so having a day off was priceless.

I reach over to grab my phone and as I was scrolling through TikTok a pillow flies right into my face.

"What the fuck Jess!"

I toss the pillow to the side and glare at my best friend as she stands in the doorway with an annoyed expression on her face.

Her name is Jessica sanders and she is my other half.

When we were younger, we used to do everything together.

We would play together, have sleepovers, we even got potty trained at the same time!

Our parents were just as inseparable so whenever they would hang out we would also.

As we got older, she grew up to be more feminine while I turned out to be a tomboy.

We were polar opposites all the way through grade school.

She was always the preppy cheerleader that all of the guys wanted and I was the cool basketball player that was friends with everyone.

Now we weren't always joined at the hip.

We had our separate friend groups and did things without the other sometimes, but I always knew she was in the stands cheering me on and I was always there when she needed me. 

One day she was at my house crying over some guy that dumped her and she was so upset over it.

She was going on and on about how she never wanted to date again and how boys were stupid blah blah blah.

She was laying on my chest crying and I was just trying my best to comfort her but I ended up blurting out, " eh that's why I don't like guys anyways."

I clamped my hand over my mouth instantly and she sat up looking me square in the face completely forgetting about her meltdown two seconds ago.

I was frozen.

I knew I wanted to tell her but this isn't the way I thought it would happen.

At first she was upset with me for waiting so long to tell her.

She was basically my sister and this was a pretty big secret to keep from her.

After awhile of her scolding, she hugged me.

Then she started to cry.

I was so confused because I didn't understand what was going on.

Did she not want to be friends anymore?

When she pulled away she wiped her tears and explained that she was just happy that I finally accepted who I was myself and that she was scared for me.

Even though times are changing it's still a struggle to live the gay lifestyle, but she has been with me every step of the way since.

After graduation we got accepted to the same university and even became roommates!

We were the dynamic duo once again.

During college, I got my criminal justice degree and went off to the police academy while she got her law degree.

It's pretty fitting in my opinion.

I catch the bad guys and get my hands dirty while she makes sure they get put away for good.

I like to think of us as the dream team but she says it's corny.

People always say that when you grow up life changes people but she's still the same old Jess to me.

We might not always see eye to eye, but I know that she's my person.

There's nothing romantic going on between us but I know I couldn't do this life thing without her.

She walks over to the edge of the bed looking down at me like I've committed the worst crime imaginable by sleeping in.

" Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know we could just laze around all day now! Get up and help me clean this pig pen we call a home."

I roll my eyes as she walks off.

Since we're both fresh out of college and single, we decided to move in together to save money.

We both work crazy hours so we rarely see each other but when we do, it usually results in me being scolded for something.

I sigh and flop back onto my pillow.

"Geez can't I have one day of peace? Ugh it's like being married and living with my mom wrapped all in one."

I contemplate getting another couple minutes of sleep but I know that if I keep her waiting too long the next thing she throws won't be as soft as a pillow.

After I get up and get dressed, I head downstairs for some breakfast.

As I round the corner, I see Jess standing over the stove frying some bacon so I snake my arm around her to steal some, slightly burning my fingers in the process and tossing it around in my hands a couple times before popping it into my mouth.

She rolls her eyes laughing at me.

" You Dumbass!You can't wait 5 minutes?"

I shake my head as I hold back tears from the pork fat burning my mouth.

I can't let her see the pain I'm in.

She shakes her head and hands me a plate as I eagerly head over to the table to enjoy my meal.

In her opinion, living with me is like living with a teenager.

I don't necessarily like doing chores and I always have to find some way to make her life complicated.

She always tells her friends how I'm this badass cop in the daytime but a 15 year old boy when i get home since all I do is sleep, eat, and play video games.

I think she's being dramatic though.

After working a 60 hour week, all I want to do is chill on my one day off so if that makes me a 15 year old boy for the day then so be it.

Once breakfast is done i clean up the kitchen while she got ready to go out.

Such a typical woman to rush me downstairs when she isn't even ready yet.

While I'm waiting on her to get dressed i hop over the couch and start playing war zone.

As I get wrapped up in the game, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I pull it out and see that I have a missed call and a voicemail from a number I don't know.

"Now who could this be?"

I hit play on the message and I was pretty shocked to hear the voice on the recording.

"Hey it's Liz, I know this is kind of weird that coffee still available?"

*APOLOGIES!! I know this chapter is a little short but I'm still building onto this story so it's a work in progress!*

Yes misses officer, I'll go out with you.(WLW INTERRACIAL)Where stories live. Discover now