Chapter 17: We Love A Woman In Uniform

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Liz's POV

I bite my lip as her finger trail up my thigh and underneath my robe.

I can feel how wet I am already.


She smirks and kisses along my neck as she slowly begins to insert a finger.

"My god, is all you two do is fuck?"

The moment I hear her voice it's like a bucket of cold water gets poured on me.

Spencer sighs and pulls her finger out of me before glaring at her friend.

"I could say the same to you. These walls aren't exactly thick."

Jess's face turns red before shoving past spencer to get a water out of the fridge.

"We'll I have to go to the office this morning so let your goons outside know."

Spencer gives her a playful salute and when Jess is out of the room she sighs.

"I'm sorry about her love."

I smile down at her and cup her face so she has to look up at me.

"It's okay baby. That just means that when you get home."

I slide my hands from her face all the way down her arms and around to her chest so I can fix her tie.

"I have the pleasure of taking this off of you."

I softly kiss the side of her neck and I can feel the heat coming off of her face.


I laugh as she runs off to finish getting ready.

I swear it's like a switch with her sometimes. One minute she's the strong dominant beast and the next she's this soft little cutie.

I sigh in content before hopping of the counter and making a pot of coffee.

As I'm pouring a cup, I see bri trying to sneak out of Jess's room and I can't help teasing her a bit.

"Well well well. Fun night?"

Her eyes widen at the sound of my voice and she rushes over to cover my mouth as I snicker.

"Shut up Liz! It's not funny!"

I raise an eyebrow at her as she pours herself a coffee.

Is she nervous?

Bri doesn't get nervous.

"We're we really that loud?"

I lean against the counter next to her and smile at my friend.

She must really like this girl.

"Nah im just teasing you."

She pouts and crosses her arms over her chest.

"I just...think she's pretty cool. Yes we messed around but we were drunk and this whole mess is crazy and-"

I wave my hand and place it on her shoulder.

"Bri, you don't have to explain anything to me. You seem happy so just do your thing girl. I'm not judging."

She gives me a small smile and when she sees Jess come out of the bathroom, her eyes are basically glued to her ass as she walks by wrapped up in a towel.

"Okay don't be a pervert."

I laugh as she punches me in the arm and goes back into the room when Jess calls for her.

I didn't really expect them to get along so well.

It could be all of the emotions swirling around right now but I'm not sure.

Yes misses officer, I'll go out with you.(WLW INTERRACIAL)Where stories live. Discover now