Chapter 3: First Date, Kinda Nervous

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Spencer's POV

I clear my throat as I lean against my car outside of the coffee shop.

Im actually a little nervous.

I mean I'm not concerned about my job or anything because she's no longer a subject and doesn't have a record or anything.

It's just been a while since I've been on a date.

My job pretty much consumes my life so I don't really get out into the dating scene much.

To say I was surprised by the voicemail would be an understatement.

I just stared at my phone for a solid 10 minutes before I got the nerve to call her back.

"Hey umm Elisha?"

She giggles on the other end.

"Call me Liz officer. Elisha is too formal."

I slowly begin to relax at the sound of her voice and lean against the back of the couch.

"Well if that's the case then you can call me Spence.
It's short for Spencer."

She laughs again and I start to like the sound of it.

"Short by 1 letter? Okay I see. I like calling you officer though. It's kind of kinky."

My cheeks heat up and I begin to cough uncontrollably.

"Umm okay well-"

Her laughter is infectious.

I know she's only teasing me but I wasn't expecting her to be so forward.

"So about that coffee?"

I sit up straight as I clear my throat.

"Yes. Coffee. I know a spot thats pretty good. Wanna meet up tomorrow around 2? My treat."

"Oh? Well then how could I say no?"

We finalize the details and when we hang up, I have to fight the urge to squeal like a school girl.

I have a date. I have a fucking date.

I see a car pull up and when she steps out I feel my
Palms begin to sweat so I quickly wipe them on my jeans.

It's just a coffee date so I went with some jeans, a white t shirt and a red and black flannel.

Finished the fit off with some vans and I felt fine.

Now, seeing her walk over to me, I feel like I didn't do enough.

She looks stunning yet comfortable.

She's wearing a baby blue sweat suit with a white t shirt and a white bandana around her hair.

Her curly hair is in an up do and she looks as if she just stepped out of a magazine.

And she wants to go out with me?

"Spence? Damn, you look good in and out of uniform."

I scratch the back of my neck as I laugh nervously.

"Thanks. You look amazing yourself."

She smiles, a slight blush appearing on her cheeks.

"Thank you. Ready to go inside?"

I nod and hold the door for her as we go inside.

Once we get our coffee, I find us a table near the window and pull her chair out for her.

"Someone was raised with manners."

I chuckle as I take my seat.

"I'd like to think of myself as a gentleman."

Yes misses officer, I'll go out with you.(WLW INTERRACIAL)Where stories live. Discover now