Chapter 15: Minor Adjustment

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Spencer's POV

"Alright. I think I have all of the information I need. Are you girls alright?"

I smile and nod as Bobby puts on his big brother face.

I called him over once I got all of the necessary information and he wasted no time getting to us.

He's a professional and asked the girls the same questions I did just to be thorough.

Now that the formalities are out of the way, I can see the concern etched on his face.

"We're fine Bobby. It's just a precaution."

He sighs and takes off his patrol hat so he can run his hands through his hair.

"Okay well,it's probably best for you all to stay together. If it's just one guy, being in a group gives him less of a chance. I'll go to the college and talk to your professors about you missing a few days so we can catch this guy. I'm also posting a unit out front in case he tries to come here."

I chuckle and pat him on the shoulder as he whips out his phone.

"Don't you think my car sitting out front is thwarting enough?"

He rolls his eyes and grabs onto my shoulders a little forcefully.

"Spence this is serious. He already messed with you at the station with plenty of cops that could've caught him, he's bothering the girls. This guy is crazy!"

I sigh and wrap my arms around him, catching him by surprise.

He looks down at me confused.

"I know you won't let anything hurt us."

When I pull away I swear his eyes look a little red before he nods his head and turns for the door.

"I'll call as soon as I hear anything."

We all nod and bid him farewell as he closes the door.

The air is tense for a moment.

I don't think anyone realized how serious the Situation was until it got to this point.

This guy clearly has a vendetta against us but why?

"So...who's hungry? I can get started on some dinner real quick."

Bri smiles and wraps an arm around Jess's shoulder.

"Oh really? I love me a woman that knows her way around the kitchen."

Jess blushes and rolls her eyes before playfully pushing her off.

"Keep talking like that and see where it gets you."

I shake my head as the two banter back and forth.

They seem to have dinner under control so I gently take my lovers hand,and pull her over to the couch with me.

She laughs as I take a seat in one of the corners and pull her on top of me.

"Well well well. It looks like you're stuck with me."

She smiles down at me as our lips brush against one another.

"Oh? whatever will i do?"

I softly cares her cheek as our lips press against one another.

It's like my mind is freed everytime I feel her.

Not just when we kiss.

Something as simple as holding her hand or receiving a hug.

Her touch heals me.

I kiss her nose and smile as I look into her eyes.

"You know id never let anything harm you,right?"

She nods and cuddles up against my neck.

"You're my white night. Always there to protect me when I need you."

I snort a little and she looks up at me confused.

"White knight huh?"

She rolls her eyes and smacks me for being silly.

"You're a nut you know that?"

I shrug my shoulders and kiss her forehead making her smile return.

"You like me though."

She kisses my lips,nice and slowly.

"That I do."

When dinner was ready, we all had a great time.

It was filled with good food,good wine, and some great story telling on my part.

Jess swears I was spicing them up a bit for theatrics but the girls found it entertaining.

Throughout the night,everyone felt safe in eachothers company.

That along with the fact that I'm a trained officer with a state of the art security system that's safe enough for the president to spend the night.

This stalker guy may know where we are, but with a squad out front and the whole squad looking for them, they'd have a pretty difficult time getting inside.

"Baaaaby I'm sleepy."

I shake my head as Liz grabs my hand and stumbles towards my room.

"Okay okay I'm coming."

I laugh as I tell the others good night and follow her inside.

She had a couple more glasses than the rest of us but I get it. This is a really stressful thing to go through.

Not knowing who the person is just makes the need to look over your shoulder so much stronger.

Never knowing if they're going to find a way into your home or catch you alone on the streets somewhere.

I hate that I caused this.

If I never got her involved with me she wouldn't be going through this.

As I crawl into bed behind her, I can tell that I won't be able to sleep.

My mind is jumbled with ways to protect her and how to catch this guy.

If something doesn't give soon, he'll only become more dangerous.

"Hey, don't worry."

I jump a little when I feel her turn to face me a little.

"I'm fine baby. Stop stressing."

I smile as she littered my face with soft lazy kisses.

Simply adorable.

"I can't sleep knowing your behind me frowning."

I chuckles and give her this crazy look making her laugh as well.

"How did you know I was frowning? You weren't even facing me."

She shrugs and turns back onto her side.

"I could feel how upset you were."

Within the next few seconds, all I could hear was her soft breathing.

She could feel me?

I'm not sure what that means, but I'm too tired to worry about it now.

Yes misses officer, I'll go out with you.(WLW INTERRACIAL)Where stories live. Discover now