Chapter 12: Darkness Follows The Light

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Liz's POV

"Ugh I swear if professor cal gives us one more pop quiz, I'm drop out."

I laugh as bri continues to pout about flunking the quiz.

"Well if you studied like you're supposed to, the quizzes wouldn't be a problem."

She rolls her eyes and bumps me as we make our way to our dorm.

"You're my study partner! You should be holding me more accountable."

I shrug my shoulders and we settle into some more light conversations as we near our destination.

I didn't see Spencer the rest of the weekend. She said that work got busy and she'll make it up to me but every time she called, I could tell that something was off.

As we round the corner by our dorm, we both stop talking as an eerie feeling passes over us.

It Almost feels like we're being watched but when we check our surroundings, there's no one there.

"Okay. That was weird."

I nod my head and clutch my books a little tighter to my chest.

Ever since that pizza delivery, I feel like there are eyes on me everywhere I go.

I know I sound paranoid, but that guy really freaked me out.

Maybe I should tell Spencer about it?

"Well that's a surprise."

I snap out of my daze and when I look up I feel all of the worry I had a few moments ago disappear.

Parked in front of our dorm is Spencer leaned up against her mustang with a black t shirt, some grey joggers, and a black Nike beanie over her hair.

"Well hello gorgeous. If I knew what class you had I would've-"

I don't even let her finish speaking.

I drop my books on the ground when I'm a couple of feet away from her and wrap my arms around her neck as our lips crash together.

"Uh uh don't be dropping these books! They cost half my pay check!"

Spencer giggles at Brie's scolding but I don't pay her any mind.

"What are you doing here? Are you done working?"

She nods her head as her hand softly caresses my face.

"I finally got a day off so I figured I'd surprise you."

She peeks around me at an annoyed bri and smiles at her.

"Ice cream? My treat?"

Bri's face lights up and she nods.

"I knew there was something I liked about you ole Spencey."

I roll my eyes and steal one more kiss before the holds open my door for me and whisks us off to get our treat.

It feels so nice being with her again. I don't feel the need to look over my shoulder ever five minutes.

It's almost peaceful.

"So, wanna head back to your place or-"


She looks between me and bri as we both blurt that out in unison.

"Oookay then. My place?"

We both nod and I can tell by her silence on the way over that's he's going to want to know what's going on.

I want to tell her. She's a cop for Christ sake.

This is kind of her forte.

On the other hand, what if getting her involved gets her hurt?

Yes misses officer, I'll go out with you.(WLW INTERRACIAL)Where stories live. Discover now