Chapter 6: Call Me Baby

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Liz's POV

Sun rays pour in through the curtain as the morning begins.

What time is it?

As my eyes adjust to the light, I feel two arms wrap around me a little more and I can't get the smile off of my face.

We're still on the couch.

She's laying on her back and I'm on top of her cuddled up to her chest.

There is a throw blanket draped over us and as the sun hits her pale skin, I have to stop myself from reaching up to caress it.

It isn't easy, but I manage to ease out of her grasp, only waking her for a moment before she falls back into a slumber.

I find the bathroom again and after relieving myself, I wash my face and hands in the sink.

When I look up at my reflection, I can see the content on my face.

We didn't do anything last night.

I was expecting her to get me in her place, we'd have a little small talk and she'd finally get what everyone else always wants.

But no.

She showed me a side of her I didn't even know existed and I was so relaxed that I felt all of the tension in my body disappear.

I've only met up with her twice but the energy she gives off puts me at ease.

I don't want to get my hopes up though. Things can always change the more you get to know a person.

I check my phone and see that it's 8 in the morning. I don't have class for another couple of hours and my stomach is growling.

She won't mind me cooking something for breakfast right?

As I scan the fridge, I see the essentials for a simple American breakfast so after putting my hair up, I get to work.

I'm putting the eggs together when I feel two hands slide along my hips and a soft kiss on my cheek. "Good morning. Sorry we ended up sleeping on the couch."

I bite my lip as my cheeks heat up from the sudden contact. "Oh umm I didn't mind. Hungry?"

She nods and peeks over my shoulder as the bacon sizzles in one of the pans. "Yes I am but you didn't have to cook. I could've taken us to grab a bite."

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't mind. Besides, why pay $20 for the same meal I can make right here?"

She nods and as the conversation dies, I expect her to head off to do something else while I cook, but her arms encircle me more.

I feel her nuzzle her face into the crook of my neck and as she takes a deep breath I feel my heart swell.

She feels so good pressed against me. It's like she's satisfied by just being close to me.

"Any plans for today?"

I shake my head, reaching up to get us some plates.

I hear a slight whine come from her at my movement and laugh. "I have a class in a couple hours but after that I'm free."

She nods and when I hold a plate of food up to her nose, her eyes instantly light up in excitement. "Thank you baby. This looks delicious."

I raise an eyebrow at the name and I see her own face turn bright red. "Baby?"

She doesn't respond. She just takes a quick bite of her toast and turns on her heels to eat on the couch.

By the time I join her, the butterflies in my stomach are still swarming.

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