Chapter 4: Study Break

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Liz's POV:

"Girl,you still messing around with that cop? You gon keep on and they're going to have you in the back of a cop car."

I scoff as I flip the page of my text book.

"I wish." I say under my breath.

Bri raises an eyebrow at me and I quickly clear my throat.

"Let's umm take a break. I need a drink."

She nods and gets on her phone as I make my way to the drink machine.

The library at our university is massive with a ton of study rooms that we like to use. They all come with tables for group work, comfortable bean bag chairs, tv screens for presentations, and white boards for writing down equations or whatever else you need to plan out.

They usually fill up pretty fast during exam seasons but we try to snag one pretty early.

When I get to the drink machine, I feel my phone go off in my pocket.

My eyes light up at the name on the caller Id but I try not to sound too eager as I answer.

"Hello officer. How may I help you?"

She laughs on the other end as I purchase my drink.

Her voice is a little deep right now, almost as if she just woke up from a nap or something.

"Hey there. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me tonight? Maybe see a movie and grab a bite? I'm buyin."

I feel the butterflies swirl in my stomach at the idea of seeing her again.

When I first saw her I felt like time stopped. I know that sounds pretty lame but I don't know how else to describe it.

Her green eyes captivated me and the way she spoke with such authority made me want to do anything to please her.

Now that I'm getting to know her,she's actually kinda shy.

I find it adorable but,I can tell there's another side to her. I can't wait to bring it out.

"That sounds fun. I'm at the library right now,I can-"

"oh perfect! I can swing by and pick you up if you're done studying."

I bite my lip a little as I clench my fingers around the soda can in my hand.

"You're here?" I ask, my nerves starting to get to me.

"Yeah I have a friend that goes here and I just dropped her off. I'm actually not too far from you."

I didn't expect her to be so close.

What am I going to do with bri?

"Umm well...i still have a little bit of review to do. Do you mind hanging around for a moment?"

I hear her car park and her keys jingle as she gets out.

"Sounds good to me. I'm in no hurry. What room are you in?"

I sigh relieved as I open the door to the room.

"42b. It's unlocked."

"Yes ma'am. I'll see you soon."

The phone clicks and bri gives me a confused look as I sit back down.

"Someone joining us?"

My cheeks heat up.

"Umm yeah so. Remember that cop we were talking about?"

She nods her head and before I can explain any further,there's a knock at the door.

Yes misses officer, I'll go out with you.(WLW INTERRACIAL)Where stories live. Discover now