Chapter 14: A Happy Home

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Spencer's POV

That was some of the best sleep I've had in a while.

I thought for a second that what happened last night was a dream, but then I felt cool locks of hair brush against my face as my lover cuddled up to my chest.

I look down at her and smile at how peaceful she looks.

My white sheets the perfect contrast to her smooth, dark complexion.

With my hand that's wrapped around her waist, I begin slowly tracing circles along her spine as I admire her beauty.

How did I get so lucky?

I stop my hand when i feel her stir and a blush spreads across my face.

"Sorry love. I didn't mean to wake you."

She looks up at me, her eyes barely open.


She softly kisses my lips and lays her head back on my chest, stuck between the real world and her dreams.

I can't help but laugh at how adorable she is and this actually woke her up.

"Do you always move this much first thing in the morning?"

Her voice was hoarse from the long night we had together.

I know the girls in the room next door probably heard more than they wanted to, but I could care less.

"We'll I normally don't have a stunning woman in my bed so no."

She smiles and moves up so that her legs are straddling my hips and she can lean over my face.

"Well id hope that I am the only woman you have in your bed."

I reach up and softly caress her face before kissing those sweet lips above me.

"Of course love. Only you."

She kisses me back and this time, she lays her body flush against mine as her tongue dives into my mouth.

The same craving that I had last night are returning.

The feeling of our naked bodies pressed against eachother is indescribable.

It's a good thing I'm not a man.

We would have a lot of kids.

"Liz? Breakfast is ready! Yal need to separate for 2 seconds so your bodies can breath."

Her face turns bright red even with her dark tones and I can help but giggle in amusement.

"Shut it!"

She playfully smacks me as I erupt into a fit of laughter due to our situation.

"You keep on playin with me spencer and I'll hold out on you."

She kisses my forehead and crawls off of me leaving me stunned.

"Y-you're joking, right Liz?"

She laughs before grabbing some clothes from my closet, and closing the bathroom door so she can get ready for the day.

When we finally make our way out of the room, we find Jess and bri laughing on eachother in the kitchen.

I'm not sure how long they've been up, but the way that they're caressing one another suggests that they may have gotten to know each other a little better.

"It's about time you two got up! I thought I was gonna have to come hose yal down."

Liz laughs and sits in my lap after I take a seat at the table.

Yes misses officer, I'll go out with you.(WLW INTERRACIAL)Where stories live. Discover now