Chapter 21: My Dear Friend

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Spencer's POV:

It's been hours since Bobby came back from surgery and he still hasn't woken up.

The doctors were able to remove the bullet and stop the bleeding so he should be fine but, why isn't her up her?

What he did back there for me was amazing.

Even though I wasn't in direct danger, he basically took a bullet for me. He has made this case his top priority for over a month.

Working extra shifts, doing multiple interviews, keeping round the clock patrols with us at all times.

He went above and beyond to make sure we were safe and I can't thank him enough for that.

I wipe a tear from my eye as I continue to pace back and forth when I hear a deep chuckle behind me.

"Ah geez Spence. You cryin again?"

I sigh, relieved, and rush over, hugging him around the neck.

He groans a little and I start to pull away but her holds onto me.

"It's alright. Just a little sore. I'm all glad you're okay."

Tears stream down my face as I look down at him.

"You big dummy. You could've died!"

He shrugs and gives me a warm smile.

"Oh come on boss. You wouldn't let that happen. I've got your back like you've got mine. That's what partners do."

He holds up his fist and I laugh before bumping it and doing spirit fingers as I pull away.

We talk for a little while as I let him know about what happened when he left.

It turns out the man that had been stalking the girls and who trashed my desk was former officer Frank Deloach.

He was one of the two that drug Liz in that one day and after reviewing his file, it turned out that he had a lot of complaints against him for excessive force, false imprisonment, and even a few sexual assault allegations.

That same day he was cut from the squad.

He blamed me for making him look bad and when he found out that I was seeing the woman that essentially did him in, he decided the best way to get even was to take something that I wanted.

The day he trashed my desk was the day that he cleaned out his locker. Since her previously worked there, seeing him in the station didn't set off any red flags and Bobby wouldn't have interviewed him so he no longer worked there.

We don't know what his plan was but he apparently had a lot of gear in his car when they first approached him so he was definitely planning to strike at any moment.

During the stand off, Bobby shot him square in the chest, puncturing his heart. He was dead before he hit the ground.

It hurts to know that a fellow officer that I was supposed to trust with my own life was plotting something like this against me and the person I love but, I'm glad this is all finally over.

I go out into the lobby and let the girls know that he's awake.

There are a lot of tears as bri thanks him and shower his cheeks with kisses.

His face is beet red when she's done and goes out to call Jesse. It takes all I can not to laugh at his nervousness.

"I'm g-glad I could be of service ladies. Liz, you take care of my girl there. I'm counting on you."

She smiles down at him and squeezes his hand before kissing the top of his head.

"Don't worry, I've got her."

I smile at them and make sure the nurses come check on him before we head back to my place.

"Well, I guess we better get back to our dorm. The school was gracious enough to pardon us for all of the missed time but we have to head back now."

Bri looks down at the ground as she tells this to me and Jess.

Jess scratches the back of her neck as she holds Bri's suitcase for her.

"Yeah well, you don't have to be a stranger. You know where we'll be and you have my number."

Bri nods and kisses Jess's cheek before running off to get into the Uber.

Me and Liz cover our mouths as Jess tenderly touches the spot where she kissed.

"What do they think this is? A movie?"

I stifle a laugh as Liz whispers this into my ear.

"They act like the school isn't a mile away."

She giggles and wraps her arms around my neck.

"You gonna miss me?"

I smile pulling her closer by her hips.

"Of course. You don't be a stranger either love. All you have to do is say the world and I'll save you from that prison of a school whenever you want."

She laughs and kisses me softly.

"I love you silly girl."

I kiss her back, letting the moment soak in as our eyes meet.

"I love you too."

I watch as the Uber drives off towards campus and I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket before it even makes the turn.

I miss you already :(

I laugh as I grab my key and hop in my car. Jess tags along and we grab some drinks, tacos, and a trash movie from red box before heading over to their dorm.

When Liz opens the door, her eyes light up as we hold up the food and drinks with big smiles on our faces.

"House warming party?"

The End.

✨i did it guys 😭 it's done 🥹 There will be an epilogue chapter later on but this is the end of the storyline! Please let me know what you think 🥰✨

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