Chapter 16: Heaven On Earth

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Liz's POV

Have you ever woken up with a smile on your face?

I can't say I do it all of the time.

Mainly because the thing that usually wakes me up is that terrifying alarm on my iPhone.

This time is different though.

A soft smile spreads on my face as I feel feather like kisses trail up my spine and onto my shoulder.

I must be in heaven because there's no way I'm still on earth.

"Good morning gorgeous. I hate to wake you up, but I need to go up to the station for a couple hours and I'd  like a bit of time with you before I go."

I giggle as she peppers my neck with more kisses.

Her teeth graze my skin.

"You want time or are you trying to have your way with me officer?"

She playfully rolls her eyes and finally kisses my lips.

"I mean if your offering, I'd be a fool to refuse."

I shake my head at her and when our eyes lock I can feel the butterflies begin to flutter in my stomach.

Her eyes have softened and the sunlight coming in through the blinds make them look so warm and inviting.

I know that I'm in love with her.

I've known ever since I saw her run over to me the night bri got attacked.

She looked over me with so much care.

I knew I could trust her with my heart.

The only reason I haven't told her yet is because I'm afraid I'm moving too fast.

I know she cares about me.

I can see it in her eyes every-time she looks at me,just like she is now.

She just hasn't said that word yet.

I don't mind really.

I'll wait as long as she needs.

As long as I can keep her close, that's all I really want.

"Why don't you get dressed, and I'll get you a little something for breakfast going Hm?"

I ask as I softly caress her cheek and smile as she leans into my hand.

She's so damn cute.

"Thank you baby."

She softly presses her lips against mine and I can't help myself.

I wrap my arms around her neck, deepening it.

She chuckles against my lips and kisses the top of my head.

I swear she did this on purpose.

"Oh believe me, I'd love to tend to you baby, but I have to get going. The sooner I find this creep, the sooner we can stop worrying so much."

She kisses my cheek and eases out of my grasp making me pout.

"Well as soon as you catch him, you owe me."

I'm just starting to fix her plate when she walks in, still getting dressed.

"This food smells amazing! I have just enough time to eat too."

She grabs her plate and kisses my cheek before digging in.

I was in a blur during that whole interaction.

This is the first time in over 2 weeks that I've seen her in her uniform, and boy did I forget how sexy she looks in it.

She looked good when we first met.

Hell it's the reason why I even bothered to talk to her.

But now that I know her, I mean really know her, it just has this whole other kind of sex appeal to it.

And the way her arms and back are so toned that it looks like the shirt might rip if she flex's too hard makes me want her to arrest me all over again.

I could also just be really horny.

Who wakes up to their hot girlfriend kissing and nibbling on their naked body and doesn't get turned on?

"Man that was good! Thank you for breakfast baby."

She walks over to me and kisses me after placing her plate in the sink.

"You're welcome. Soo.. how long do you think you'll be gone?"

I reach up and begin slowly buttoning her shirt as she explains what all she has to do today.

I'm honestly not listening.

I'm too entranced by the way her abs feel under my fingertips and how good her cologne smells.

Is it cedar? Maybe oak wood?

Whatever it is, it smells divine.


My eyes widen as i look up into hers.


Her lips curls up on one end as she takes a step towards me.

"We're you listening to a word I said?"

I nod my head, placing my hands on her chest as she backs me up against the counter.

"Mhm. I was just, umm...thinking."

She laughs, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer.

"You like what you see?"

I quickly nod my head and bite my lip when I feel her other hand squeeze my ass.

"Why don't you show me how much?

I whine and grab onto her belt pulling her closer.

What is this energy?

It's feels like I can't form a coherent thought other than the fact that I want her to rail me up against this counter.

"B-but don't you have to leave?"

I gasp as she suddenly picks me up onto the counter and eases between my legs.

I can feel her muscles flex onto my small frame.

Her scent intoxicating. Her lips, soft and sweet.

I really don't want to get her in any trouble, but all of that goes out the window when I feel her hand slide from my thigh down between my legs.

"I'll be quick,  I promise."

✨Hello lovely Readers🥰 I'm at the point in the story where I can add smut or leave it out but it is entirely up to you guys! If you want it, let me know but if not, I will continue on with no spicy scenes 🥵 let me know in the comments!!🥰✨

Yes misses officer, I'll go out with you.(WLW INTERRACIAL)Where stories live. Discover now