Chapter 5: Nerd Alert

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Spencer's POV

I can't believe this fine ass woman is in my house.

I mean she is just stunning.

When she grabbed my shirt and looked at me like that earlier, I swear I thought I was going to faint.

I don't know why she's so interested in me, but I hope I can keep whatever I have going up.

"Come on in. It's not much but it's home."

I take her coat as she walks inside,surveying the area.

"It's cute. I really like your..."

She suddenly gasps and I almost jump out of my skin.

"Something wrong?"

She basically runs over to the tv stand and holds up a naruto figurine that I had sitting on one of the shelves.

"You watch anime??"

My eyes widen as hers sparkle before me. "Uhh yeah. I love anime."

I laugh nervously. "Do you?"

She scoffs and pulls out her keys that have a maki key chain on it.

"I'm a maki Stan for life."

We both laugh and I can't get the smile off of my face.

"I don't think I've ever met another girl that is into the stuff I like. I really didn't think you'd be into it."

She raises an eyebrow at me. "Because I'm black?"

My cheeks burn bright red.

"No no! That's definitely not it! It's just you don't seem like the anime watching type is all."

She gives me a smile and kisses my cheek.

"Calm down baby. I'm just messing with you."

She turns to head over to the couch but I'm not letting that slide so fast.

"Baby huh?"

I gently wrap an arm around her waist and pull her back to me causing her to squeal.

"Yes? Is there a problem?"

I shakes my head as I look down at her lips.

When our eyes meet again I can tell that she wants the same thing as me.

The desire radiating off of us is so strong that it's almost suffocating.

I reach up to her chin and gently lift it up. "So. Have I earned any new privileges yet?"

She slowly nods her head and before I can even lean forward, she already has her lips pressed against mine.

I feel her moan into the kiss as I ease my tongue into her mouth.

I don't even realize that we're backing against the couch until we end up toppling over it.


I quickly wrap my arms around her tightly as we flip onto the cushions.

"Liz are you okay??"

I sigh when I hear her laughing against my chest. "I guess we got a little carried away."

I shake my head as I brush a few curls out of her face.

"Looks like it."

She props her chin up on my chest as i softly draw circles on her back. "What movie do you wanna watch?"

I lean my head back against the pillow, movie title swirling in my head.

" about a ghibli movie? Maybe ponyo?"

Her eyes light up as she nods her head.

"That's one of my favorite!"

I laugh and kiss her forehead as I turn on the movie.

For the duration of the film we just talked.

We got to know each other a little more and cuddled up on the couch as the night drew on.

As the movie was winding down.

I could see Liz's eyes growing heavy so I pulled the blanket off of the back of the couch down and covered her up with it. "Mmm...I don't want to keep you up baby."

I kiss the top of her head. "We can stay here as long as you want."

She cuddles her face into the crook of my neck and within a few minutes, she's fast asleep.

She feels comfortable enough with me to fall asleep in my arms in a place she's never been.

I'm not sure if she's crazy or if I should feel good about myself.

For now, I'll just enjoy the moment and try to get some sleep myself.

✨Sorry this one is kind of short! Still building onto the story but look how cute they are 🥰✨

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