Chapter 10: Cleaning Up My Mess

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Liz's POV

Pure bliss.

That's the best way I can describe how I felt as her fingers curled up inside of me.

Our breathing was heavy and it took everything in me to stay quiet, but whenever she would hit a certain spot, I couldn't contain it.

My legs began to shake uncontrollably as the playful tone in her voice rang through my ear.

"That's it baby. You're being such a good girl."

I whine as I bite down on her shoulder.

I'm so close. I can feel my juices sliding down my leg as her fingers pump in and out of me.

She always seemed so tame, so innocent.

Who knew she was so skillful with just two fingers?

I feel her thumb begin to slowly circle my clit and I gasp.

"Oh fuck."

She cups my chin with her hand and raises my head so that our eyes meet.

"Cum for me baby. Come on, you can do it."

I quickly nod my head and unfold in her arms.

It feels like a waterfall is pouring out of me as I slowly come down from my high.

As my mind clears, I feel her lips against mine before she lowers onto her knees before me.

"Eh-what are you doing?"

She looks up at me with those soft brown eyes and slowly eases my shorts off of my body.

"Just cleaning up the mess I made."

My eyes widen because before I can even register what she means by that, she has me lifted up against the wall with my legs draped over each shoulder.

"Oh! Mm...fuck!"

I thought her fingers were magical but her tongue is on a whole other level.

I rake my hands through her hair as another wave of pleasure washes over my body, but in a more gentle way than before.

Her movements are very fluid and precise.

She's taking her time and making sure she catches every last drop as I pour into her mouth.

When she's finally done, she sets me back on the ground and as soon as I feel the weight of my own body on my legs, I collapse onto her chest making her laugh.

"Sorry love. I got a bit carried away there didn't I."

I shake my head as I bury my face In her shoulder.

"No no don't apologize."

I haven't felt like this in a long time. Maybe ever.

This woman has a hold on me now, and I don't think I could handle it if she ever let go.

She softly kisses the top of my head and all of sudden her radio goes off.

"Spence? Head back now. It's urgent."

She sighs and responds to Bobby before looking down at me.

"Duty calls love. I have to go."

I poke out my bottom lip as she cups my cheeks in her hands.

"Come back soon?"

She smiles and nods.

I lean up to capture her lips one more time before she grabs her coat and rushes out the door.

Yes misses officer, I'll go out with you.(WLW INTERRACIAL)Where stories live. Discover now