Chapter 7: Gamer Girls

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Liz's POV

"Well welcome back. Just make yourself at home. I'm going to go grab something real quick."

I nod and take off my shoes at the door before walking over to the couch.

I sigh as my body is engulfed in the soft cushions that we slept on the night before.

I think that was probably some of the most restful sleep I've had all semester.

Waking up on top of her was also a plus.

When she comes back she's changed out of her jeans and looks very comfortable in a white t shirt and some gray sweats.

My eyes instantly flick down between her legs in the way that those pants always attract someone's attention.

Obviously since she's a woman there isn't a print but the thought of her using one on me causes a slight tingle in my core. "Here you are. I usually play by myself so I keep the other controller in my room on the charger. You wanna fire it up while I order some take out?"

I nod taking the controller from her and turning on the console.

As I'm logging in, I feel the couch depress beside me and when I turn to face her, she gently lifts my chin so that our eyes connect. "Hey you okay? You've been kind of quiet."

I feel my cheeks getting hot as her eyes search mind, full of concern. "Oh umm I'm sorry."

I laugh out nervously as her fingers caress my cheek.

"I'm just a little tired is all."

Her eyebrows furrow and she leans back into the corner of the couch before grabbing my hand and pulling me onto her chest. "Do you need to rest? We can play and stuff later."

I shake my head smiling up at her. "No this is nice. I'm also starving."

She smiles at me and softly places a kiss on the top of my head. "Alright."

She orders us some Chinese food for delivery and while we wait we work on getting a house built before dark.

I have my back against her now and her arms are around me so that she can hold the controller properly.

This is my new favorite way to game.

Her chin propped up on my shoulder as I sit between her legs.

Being this close to her feels so nice, I almost don't want to leave.

We both turn our attention to the door handle as it turns.

Her body stiffens for a second because our first thought it that the delivery guy is trying to get inside, but then she relaxes when a dark haired woman appears. "Oh it's you. I thought you were the delivery guy."

The woman rolls her eyes before raising an eyebrow at me. "And I didn't know you had company."

My eyes widen slightly at her tone as Spencer waves her off. "This is Liz. Liz this is my friend Jess."

She walks over and ruffles Spencer's hair before sauntering off into the kitchen. "Best friend. Get it right."

Spencer kisses my cheek and when I feel her body leave I get this cold chill down my spine.

I watch as the two interact in the kitchen and I can't deny the fact that I'm jealous.

"So what'd you get me from the store?" Spencer asks as she peeks into the grocery bag.

"Absolutely nothing!"

Jess snatches the bag away causing spencer to pout. "If you hate me just say so."

Yes misses officer, I'll go out with you.(WLW INTERRACIAL)Where stories live. Discover now