Chapter 9: No Boys Allowed

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Liz's POV

"Lizzy come on. I'm not a baby. I can handle

I raise an eyebrow at her and she groans as she crawls under the covers.

"You're such a mom sometimes I swear."

I shrug as I tuck her in to the blanket and make sure she's comfortable.

"Someone has to take care of you."

She gives me a small smile as I kiss the top of her head.

Bri is strong. Always has been and always will be, but the fatigue is getting to her. Her eyes are slowly closing as I ease out the door.

I hate seeing her this way, but I know that if I push too hard, she'll just shut down even more.

All I can really do is let her rest and wait for her to be ready to talk.

As I close the bedroom door, I hear the door handle click and my whole body tenses up.

I know that son of a bitch is in jail, but I've seen enough crime shows to know how motivating revenge is.

"Hey hey, it's just me."

I instantly relax as her cool voice hits my ears. Before I even turn around, I hear her feet step swiftly across the room and I feel her arms encircle me from behind.

"You alright love?"

I smile at the concern in her voice as I look back at her.

"Yes I'm, just a little jumpy is all."

Her face scrunches into a slight frown and it's probably the cutest expression I've ever seen.

I laugh a little and kiss her cheek, making the spot heat up a bit.

"I'm fine baby. Bri is sleeping though so we'll have to put her food away."

I feel her nod against my shoulder and im about to head into the kitchen when I notice her hand is all bruised up.

"Spence? What happened to your hand?"

She tried to pull away but I give her a look and she crumbles.

"I stopped by the station to make sure old dude got processed properly. He was putting up a fight in the lobby trying to get free and punched another female officer. I guess I just reacted."

I sigh as I examine her hand a little more.

"Well I don't think it's broken but let's get you an ice pack."

I lead her into the kitchen and place some ice in a plastic bag before wrapping it in a kitchen towel, and gently placing it on her hand.

She winced at first, but after a moment she begins to relax.

"Thank you. It feels nice."

She ducks her head as I frown at her because she already knows what's coming.

"You can't be doing things like that Spence. That guys bad news. He could get out and come for you."

She shrugs a little.

"I'm a cop Liz. Most people I put away can come after me. It's just part of the job."

I cross my arms.

"I get that, but this time is different. I just...I don't want anything to happen to you."

I didn't even realize I had teared up until I heard the ice shifting in the bag as she cupped my face,wiping away my tears.

"Aww love. Nothing is going to happen to me. I promise."

I nod my head and sigh as she engulfs me in the warmest hug I've ever felt.

Yes misses officer, I'll go out with you.(WLW INTERRACIAL)Where stories live. Discover now