Chapter 19: Butter Me Up

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Spencer's POV

"I'm booored!"

I roll my eyes as Jess flops across the couch and lands on my lap.

The fact that she's older than me is astounding sometimes.

"Well I'm sorry there's a maniac out there and I'm trying to keep everyone safe. Staying together is the best option right now."

She frowns and crosses her arms over her chest.

"Well they most likely know where the girls are but they're not stupid enough to come inside. It's starting to feel like this is what the creep wants."

I nod and rub my forehead as the stress begins to build up again at her words.

Me and Bobby have interrogated every officer in the unit, but they're cops. They know our tactics and they ultimately know how to get around them.

Tensions are also pretty high around the squad ever since we started investigating.

Trust is the only guaranteed shield we all carry with us out into the field and right now, I don't think anyone trust anything or anyone.

The only person I can really turn to is Bobby. I know I'm supposed to suspect everyone but I know it isn't him.

I've literally had to drag him from the station because he just won't put the case down for a moment.

The girls have also been around him enough that I'm sure they'd recognize if he was the guy.

I feel like he's right under my nose but I just cant see it.

"Oh Jess, now you've got her all worried."

A smile forms as two soft warm arms wrap around me from behind.

Light kisses trail along my neck and I can feel all of the anxiety that was building up slowly melt away.

"This is helping though."

I feel her lips curl against my neck and images of her body wrapped around mind come into my mind.

The fact that such a simple act can cause this kind of a reaction out of me feels, nice.

As if she is another person besides Bobby that I can let my guard down with.

He is like my big brother. Always protecting me and trying to put me first.

She is so much more.

She feels as natural to me as the air that I breathe in my lungs.

Her touch is like the warmth you feel when the sun hits you just right and you don't want to move or else you'll lose it.

Her energy is simply magical. I can't stop the way my smile grows when I catch her eye.

She's the most wonderful things that's come from all of this and I couldn't be more grateful.

"Speeencer? You're staring again love."

My cheeks feel as if they're on fire as I hear her angelic voice teasing me in my ear.

Jess burst into a fit of laughter before I push her onto the floor. 

"God you're such a simp!"

I give her the finger and she laughs even harder before going into her room.

I sigh and look up at the goddess behind me.

"Are you sure we can't kick her out? I think she'll be fine."

She shakes her head and walks around the couch so that she can ease into my lap.

"You know she'd never make it."

I roll my eyes and watch as she plays with the pendant on my necklace.

"She does have a point though. We've been cooped up in here for awhile now. Maybe a little trip out together won't be too bad?"

I raise an eyebrow as I softly trail my fingers along her lower back.

"Have something in mind?"

She thinks for a moment and then her eyes light up.

"How about the zoo? There's plenty of people around and I've never been."

She has a point. It does seem like the safest option and some fresh air would do everyone some good.

"Well let's see if the others want to-"

"Yes! Oh my god thank you!"

"Took you long enough girl,damn."

I scoff as bri and Jess come out of her room already changed in cooler clothes since it's hot outside and tote bags full of snacks,drinks, and other things you might need for a hot day at the zoo.

I clear my throat and give Liz a look as she gives me a sheepish one.

"Okay we may have planned this but they said you'd only agree if I asked!"

I laugh a little and shake my head.

I guess we're going to the zoo.

Quick little update since I've been MIA😅

Yes misses officer, I'll go out with you.(WLW INTERRACIAL)Where stories live. Discover now