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Meredith tried to read the directions Derek had e-mailed her while keeping her Jeep on the narrow back road. She was almost certain Derek had pulled one over on her. She had been turning on and off unlined roads with names like 'Raccoon Way' and Opossum Road' for the last 45 minutes and had yet to see a place called 'Walnut Creek' where according to Derek and the numerous reminder e-mails sent out to the staff was where the picnic was being held. There was no way this so called picnic could be taking place so far away from civilization.

"Take a right on Old Appleberry Road," Meredith mumbled. "Fine," she said, sitting the directions down in the seat and lightly pressing the gas pedal to get her car moving again after stopping in the middle of the road. She decided she hated Derek. She hated him and his perfect hair and perfect eyes and perfect leaning. She hated his surgical skills and his large ego. She could have been at home in an old pair of shorts and a t-shirt, watching Lifetime movies and eating strawberry ice cream with Oliver. But no. She was driving around narrow, unlined back roads named after wild animals while looking for a lake she was pretty sure didn't exist - all because Derek Shepherd, Head of Neurosurgery at the University of Virginia Medical Center, had ordered her to come. Yes, she hated Dr. Derek McDreamy Shepherd.

Meredith squinted to read the name of an upcoming road. "Old Appleberry," she read. She sighed and turned her Jeep onto the road, not bothering to give a turn signal. There was a house every three miles at best and she had met one car in a half hour. Letting nonexistent cars know she was turning wasn't necessary. She reached for the directions again and read them out loud. "Go 1.5 miles on Old Appleberry. Walnut Creek Park will be on the right side." Meredith tossed the directions back onto the passenger's seat. "Sure it will," she said to no one.

She drove along the winding road, searching for a sign of this supposed lake, keeping an eye on her Jeep's odometer to know when she'd gone 1.5 miles. To her surprise, a mile and a half later a big sign reading 'Walnut Creek' came into view. Again neglecting her turn signal, Meredith turned onto the road leading to the lake. She drove for a couple of minutes before a parking lot came into view, set against a large lake. She could already see Richard manning a grill and several other faces she vaguely recognized mulling around the picnic area. She parked her car and got out, still not thrilled about being there.

"Meredith! I wasn't expecting to see you here today!" Richard greeted. "Didn't have much choice," Meredith stated. "No choice? The Meredith Grey I know always has a choice," je said with a smile. "Not according to Dr. Shepherd. My attendance is apparently mandatory," Meredith replied bitterly. Richard looked confused. "Mandatory?" he repeated. "Something about my being new," Meredith explained.

"That leaning tower of perfect hair told you that?" a short woman with a tone of voice that demanded attention stated. "Um... Yes?" Meredith answered, turning to face her. This woman came up to her chest, but gave off an aura that made Meredith feel two feet tall. She was obviously not someone to cross.

"That fool," she muttered. "Always so damn full of himself..." Richard chuckled. "Meredith, meet Miranda Bailey, head of General Surgery. Miranda, this is..." "Meredith Grey. I know who she is. The whole hospital knows who she is," Miranda stated. "It's nice to meet you Dr. Grey. I've heard good things about your work." Meredith smiled. She had a feeling this was as high of a compliment as this woman could give. "Thank you - and nice to meet you too," Meredith said. Miranda looked towards the playground where several kids were playing and laughing. "Figures my kid would be the one hanging upside down from the monkey bars. Excuse me." Miranda left Meredith and Richard, already telling her son off long before reaching the playground. "Miranda is one of the best surgeons on staff - one of the most upfront ones too," Richard said. "Her residents call her the Nazi."

"I seriously didn't have to come?" Meredith asked, ignoring Richard's comments about Miranda. "You did not. I'm glad you did, but you didn't have to come. These picnic things aren't mandatory - even for new staff members," Richard said. Meredith looked around for Derek. He was dead when she found him. She spotted him and Mark at a picnic table, involved in what appeared to be an animated conversation. "I'll talk to you later Richard," Meredith said, starting towards them. Richard chuckled again and went back to flipping burgers. He had a feeling Derek had met his match in Meredith Grey.

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