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"Stop!" Cristina ordered. "Stop what?" Meredith asked. Izzie flipped the page of yet another bridal magazine. "Stop doing that!" Cristina said, waving her finger at Meredith. "Doing what?" Meredith demanded. "That!" "You're smiling Meredith. You've been smiling and bouncing all day. It's getting on Cristina's nerves," Izzie spoke up. She dog-eared her page and flipped to the next one.

"So what if I'm smiling? People smile. It's a natural, people-like thing to do," Meredith said. "Izzie smiles and bounces all the time. Why can't I smile and bounce?" "Izzie is a life-size Barbie doll. Bouncing and being the smiley queen is why she does. You though... You're usually all doctor-like and professional. Today, today you have gone over to the dark said," Cristina explained. "Dark side? I think I'm on the bright and shiny side," Meredith argued. She opened her container of chocolate cake.

"What I want to know is what Dr. Shepherd did to make you so bright and shiny," Izzie asked, finally looking up from her magazine. Meredith was practically glowing. "Dr. Shepherd... He did things...," she said slyly. Izzie raised an eyebrow. "Things?" she asked expectantly. "Sexy things," Meredith said with a nod. "Incredibly sexy things on his incredibly amazing land." Izzie looked as though she'd hit the lottery at this bit of girl talk.

"How was it?" she asked Meredith. "I mean, he's McDreamy. Someone with McDreamy as a nickname has got to be good in bed." "He was... amazing doesn't begin..." "He rocked your world," Cristina said in a bored voice. "He did," Meredith agreed, absolutely beaming. "I mean... just... wow."

"Two months ago you hated him," Izzie said with a smirk. Meredith grinned. "I know. He hated me too. But we are solo past that now. So past that." "You're making me want to page Alex to an on call room," Izzie groaned. "Jumping Burke doesn't sound like a half bad idea either," Cristina confessed. Meredith giggled. "If Derek wasn't in surgery right now, I wouldn't be eating lunch outside on the patio with you two. He did this bendy thing in the shower this morning... Oh my God... I have never in my life..." Meredith stopped talking when a shadow fell over their table.

"Meredith." Meredith groaned before turning around in her seat again. "Lexie," she said in an even voice. "You could really at least pretend to be excited to see your sister Mer," Lexie told her. "Sister? You have a sister? I didn't know that," Izzie said. She looked at Cristina who merely shrugged. She didn't know nor really care that she didn't know.

"Meredith actually has two sisters," Lexie addressed Izzie. "I'm not surprised you didn't know she did. She tends to pretend she doesn't." "Lex," Meredith groaned. "Izzie, Cristina, this is my sister Lexie. Lexie, these are my friends, Izzie and Cristina." She wanted to choke her sister but instead was forcing herself to mind her manners in front of her friends.

"It's nice to meet you Lexie," Izzie said as she stood up and gathered her wedding plans they'd been discussing at the start of their lunch. "Cristina and I... We were just going to go to... somewhere. Come on Cristina." Cristina looked at Izzie as though she'd lost her mind. "We weren't going..." "We're going!" Izzie said firmly. She raised her eyebrows at Cristina. "Fine. We're going." Cristina stood as well and gathered the remains of her lunch to take with her. "We'll talk to you later Mer. Bye Lexie," Izzie said before leaving. Meredith could hear Cristina complaining about being uprooted as they walked away.

"Where's the rest of the clan?" Meredith asked. She closed the lid on her cake container, no longer interested in the chocolate cake that had been extremely good until Lexie had shown up. "At the hotel," Lexie answered. "I convinced them that all of us showing up here together was not the best idea." "Because it was such a good one yesterday," Meredith muttered.
"Mer, we're worried about you. You move all the way across the country and stop answering your phone. You're not dealing with your mother... I know dropping in like we did yesterday wasn't the best idea. I didn't even intend for everyone to make the trip. I told dad I was coming here to check on you. He decided to come too and then mom found out and insisted she come along. And when Molly found out, she packed up her and Laura's stuff and tagged along which I get since Brian is deployed. It snowballed from my original plan. But like I said, we're worried Mer. So here we are," Lexie finished.

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