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"Crap," Meredith repeated. She fingered her phone, contemplating calling Derek back and making him admit that this whole being trapped in a basement thing was a really bad joke. But she knew it wasn't. She knew Derek wouldn't lie about something like this. He was in a lot of danger and his cell phone battery was dying if not dead. He needed her. He needed her to tell someone where they were and get them help. She really wanted to freak out. But right now, she couldn't. Because Derek needed her. "Crap," she whispered one more time.

She took a deep breath and considered what to do. She had no idea how to get in touch with the rescue personnel who were working the White Hall disaster. Those were the people she needed. Those were the ones closest to Derek who would be able to help him the quickest. It occurred to her that Burke would probably know. Since he was running the hospital at the moment, it was his job to be in touch with people involved in big disasters. She took off at a run down the hallway.

"Burke!" she called when he was in eyeshot. Burke swiveled in his chair. "Dr. Grey," he greeted. "Burke, Derek needs help," she breathed when she got to the desk. She struggled to catch her breath after her sprint. "Him and Sloan... They need help." Burke raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about Grey?" he asked.

"Derek just called me. He and Mark are trapped in a basement. A tornado hit and the house they were in fell. He's with two other men who are both hurt. There's a child too. And Mark's hurt. His arm or his shoulder or something. Derek said there was a orange car turned upside down in the front yard and a tree had fallen over on it. Hopefully the tree was big enough to hold it down and the car is still there. But they need help and they need help now," Meredith spilled, trying to convey everything she could to Burke.

"Slow down Meredith. They're trapped? In a basement?" Burke asked, reaching for a notepad. "Derek said they were helping someone and a tornado came. They're in a basement now and the house fell down on top of them. They're trapped," Meredith repeated, her words rushed. Burke scribbled on his notepad.

"What is this about a car?" he asked. "Derek said there was a orange car overturned in the front yard of the house. He said a big oak tree had fallen over on it. With luck, the tree was big enough to hold the car in place during the tornado and it's still there. He needs help Burke. We need to get help to him!" Burke nodded. "Stay calm Meredith. I'm going to call the rescue crew working White Hall now..."

"Stay calm? Seriously? You're seriously telling me to stay calm?" Cristina and Izzie walked up to the desk looking concerned. "I'm supposed to stay calm when my boyfriend is trapped in a basement with three men who are hurt and a terrified child? He's freaking trapped in a basement Burke!" Meredith shrieked. Burke nodded again as he brought a phone to his ear. "I know Meredith. And I'm calling for help now. I need you to stay calm though. They may need to talk to you."

"Mer, what's going on?" Izzie asked. "Derek's trapped in a basement with Mark, two men who are hurt, and a child. Mark did something to his arm and he's in a lot of pain and the kid is terrified. A tornado touched down and the house they were in fell down on top of them," Meredith told them quickly. She began pacing, her hands on her hips. Cristina and Izzie exchanged worried looks while the three women listened to Burke relating Meredith's story to someone on the phone.

"He's going to be okay Mer. Rescuers will get to him and everyone else soon and he'll be okay," Izzie said in an effort to reassure her friend. "He's trapped Iz. They are trapped in a basement with no way out. Oh God!" Meredith's face went white. "What if he runs out of oxygen? That happens on movies - people get trapped in places and they run out of oxygen after a while. They've been down there for a while. What if they run out of oxygen?"

"They're not going to run out of oxygen," Cristina stated. Meredith turned on her. "How do you know that?" she demanded. "How do you know they won't run out of oxygen or the roof of the basement won't give way and everything come crashing down on them? How do you know that Cristina?" Cristina looked taken back by Meredith's fierce reaction. "I'm being - positive or whatever," Cristina said meekly. She didn't do the positive, supportive friend thing. That was Izzie's job. But if Burke were in Derek's position, she'd want someone to be a supportive friend to her so she was trying. It wasn't her fault she sucked at it.

"He's not a civilian! He's the best damn neurosurgeon on the east coast, one of the best in the country! Dr. Sloan is also the best in his field! They have deathly ill patients with them and a terrified child. Make them your priority!" Burke ordered into the phone. Meredith turned to listen. Burke sat in silence, listening to the person on the other end.

"Thank you," he said. "Keep me updated - every half hour." He hung up and turned to Meredith. "Well?" she asked. "I had to pull some strings - people are trapped or missing all over the neighborhood - but the fire chief is putting together a rescue now and sending them out in search of that car and tree you were talking about. He's going to call us with frequent updates." Meredith nodded.

"So how do I get to White Hall?" she asked. Burke, Izzie, and Cristina looked confused. "I haven't lived here all that long - how do I get to White Hall?" Meredith asked again. "Why do you need to know how to get to White Hall?" Izzie asked, knowing the answer. "I need to help!" Meredith snapped. Burke shook his head.

"You're not leaving this hospital Grey. Richard put Derek in charge and Derek put me in charge. I've got two of the best doctors in the country missing. I can't have a third out there. You're not leaving," he informed her. Meredith put her hands on her hips.

"Derek can tell me I'm not going to White Hall. He had reasons that I understood. You? You cannot tell me I'm not going to White Hall. My boyfriend and his best friend, his brother, are in danger. I need to be there. I need to help. And when they find them, their patients are going to need help. Mark needs help. His arm is injured. I can help them," Meredith argued. Burke shook his head firmly.

"Derek would kill me if I let you leave this hospital. You are not going out there Meredith. You don't have to visit patients, you don't have to work. You just need to stay here in this hospital where I know where you are and where Derek will be able to find you if and when they rescue him," Meredith glared at Burke.

"You can't make me stay," she argued again. Izzie stepped forward. "Come on Mer. Let's go to the cafeteria, see if we can get some hot tea or coffee or something. Burke will let us know the second he hears something, right Burke?" Burke nodded. "Absolutely," he agreed. "In fact, I'll have Cristina stick close by. I'll send her to find you when we hear anything at all." Cristina nodded in agreement even though she was not thrilled with the idea of playing messenger when there was so much else she could be doing. Meredith did not look happy.

"I need to go...," she trailed off, tears threatening her green eyes. Izzie linked her arm through Meredith's. "Come on Mer," she said softly. Meredith let Izzie lead her out of the ER as her emotions began to catch up with her now that her adrenaline rush from Derek's dilemma was wearing off. Burke watched them disappear through the ER doors then turned to the staff surrounding him. "No one - I mean no one - let's Meredith Grey leave this hospital, understood?" he ordered. The staff muttered a collective yes. Burke sat back down, his eyes glued to the phone.

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