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"Dr. Grey, can I help you with something?" Derek asked coldly lowering his eyes back to his work. "No, not really. I just thought you'd like to know that Harrison is awake," she replied, keeping her voice neutral. "He is?" Derek exclaimed, looking up. Meredith nodded. "He woke up about an hour ago. He's doing really well, talking, laughing, asking for ice cream..." Derek stood.

"You can see yourself out Dr. Grey," he said before starting out of the office. Meredith found herself wanting to stop him, try and smooth things out between them now that Harrison was awake and it looked like he was going to be okay.

"Derek," she called. Derek stopped in his doorway. "It's Dr. Shepherd," he said. Meredith wasn't deterred. "Derek, I know you're angry and honestly, I'm pissed at you too. But like it or not, we have to work together. Can we be civil at least?" Derek gazed at Meredith. He wanted to say yes, wanted to thank her for saving Harrison. But he couldn't. He didn't know why, but he couldn't.

"Dr. Grey, you acted carelessly. I don't have the time to rehash the hows and whys of it. I need to see my nephew." Derek turned to leave. "Derek, I saved your nephew's life. That has to count for something," Meredith said to the back of him. He turned again and looked at her. "Get over yourself Dr. Grey," he said with ice in his voice. Meredith felt her temper sore. "Get over Addison Dr. Shepherd!" she snapped before stomping past him before she sad something more. Derek watched her disappear into her own office father down the hall. He sighed and closed his office door. He wished he could get over Addison.

Meredith watched as Mark walked up beside Erica Hahn and smoothly leaned on the counter where she was writing in a chart. Meredith pretended her attention was on the computer screen in front of her, covertly sneaking glances at them. She had a feeling this would be good entertainment in her otherwise dull morning.

"Dr. Hahn, how are you this fine morning?" Mark asked. "Brilliant - until my workspace became overcrowded," Erica replied. "Pesky nurses," Mark said. "I can make them move you if you'd like." "It's not the nurses," Erica said pointedly. Mark looked around, his eyes falling on Meredith before looking back at Erica. "It can't be Dr. Grey overcrowding your workspace. She's ten feet away, totally entertained by whatever it is on her computer screen. Besides, she's tiny. She doesn't take up much room. It has to be the nurses," he stated. Erica put down her pen and gave Mark her full attention.

"I'm in the club Sloan," she informed him. "The club?" Mark asked. "The country club? Because my family are members too. So are the Shepherds. So are a lot of the other doctors actually. You being in the club doesn't intimidate me." "I'm talking about the nurses' club," Erica told him. Mark made a face. "Oh that club," he muttered. Meredith had to stifle her laugh. She'd heard about the club from Izzie on her very first day. It looked like Mark had just struck out. Erica picked up her pen and went back to working on her chart.

"You know, that club is for nurses only. Doctors, especially highly respected blonde ones with good hands, aren't allowed to join," Mark said, "As a highly respected blonde doctor with good hands I know how important it is to stay in the good graces of the nurses. Which gives me one more good reason not to go get the drink you were about to ask me to go get," Erica replied. "I may not have been planning on asking you to grab a drink at Joe's after work. I may have been planning to ask you to dinner. Or to a - movie. Or maybe I wasn't only planning on asking you on a social outing at all," Mark argued. Erica snorted.

"Social outing?" she asked. "Yeah - an outing where we go out and be social. I may not have been asking you on one. You just assumed. And you know what they say. When you assume, you make an ass out of you and me," Mark countered. Erica closed her chart and gathered picked it up.

"Dr. Sloan, you are a man whore. You sleep around. You love 'em and leave 'em. You are a midnight Romeo. I could go on but I think you get the point. But I don't think you get that you are wasting your time. Your smooth talking will not work on me. And as for your leaning, please, leave that for your friend Dr. Shepherd. He does it so much better." With that, Erica left. Mark stood there, flabbergasted. Meredith chuckled as she typed on the computer.

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