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"I was paged?" Meredith asked, walking up to the nurse's station in the ED. "You were. They requested you and only you," said a nurse, handing her a chart at the same time. Meredith glanced at the name. "Harrison Moxley?" she asked, worry in her voice. "Isn't he Dr. Shepherd's nephew? The one you did a standstill on a few months ago?" the nurse asked"Yeah," Meredith mumbled, reading over Harrison's chart quickly before she went to his room. "He fell...," she muttered. "He's alert... What intern is on the case?" she asked the nurse. "Kern," the nurse answered automatically. "Good. She was with me on the standstill. I was going to request her if she wasn't." Meredith left the nurse's station and went straight to Harrison's room.

"Hi Mereith!" Harrison greeted. He looked completely happy, sitting in the middle of a hospital bed, goose egg on his head. Annie, sitting by his bed, looked completely distraught. "Hi Harrison," Meredith smiled. "What on earth did you do?" She flipped through the chart, looking for the answer out of habit. "He fell down the back porch steps. They're wooden, but he landed on the patio at the bottom and that's concrete. He seems fine and I know kids fall, especially rambunctious six year olds, but with his previous head injury and surgery...," Annie rambled. Meredith smiled at Derek's sister.

"It's good you brought him in. It probably is nothing but with the head injury he sustained and the surgery, it's better safe then sorry." Annie seemed to relax just a little with Meredith's reassurance. "Both pupils are equal and reactive. He's talking, motor skills are intact, isn't complaining of any pain...," Dr. Kern prattled. "Okay. Dr. Kern, order a CT. I want to be on the safe side with this one," Meredith directed. Dr. Kern nodded and disappeared. Meredith pulled out her own penlight and started examining Harrison herself. She knew Dr. Kern was possibly the best intern out of the bunch but Harrison wasn't just any patient.

"Uncle Deek's got one of them things," Harrison informed Meredith as she tried to shine the light in his eyes. "He does," Meredith agreed. "It's blue," Harrison continued. "He gave me one one time. I still gots it. I use it to light up the tent me and daddy make in the living room when mama's not home and won't know we do it." Annie raised an eyebrow at her son. "Oops," Harrison muttered. Meredith laughed.

"Harrison, follow my light with your eyes, okay?" Harrison did as instructed, following Meredith's penlight back and forth, up and down with his eyes. "Good job," she told him. Annie watched as Meredith examined her son, feeling more and more relieved as Harrison seemingly breezed through.

"Well, I think you are one hundred percent A-Okay, but just to make extra sure, I'm going to ahead with the CT I had Dr. Kern order. Do you remember what a CT is Harrison? You had several of them when you were here in the hospital," Meredith said. Harrison nodded. "It's a big machine that takes a really cool picture of your brain. Uncle Deek told me. Sometimes, he shows me them!" Annie rolled her eyes.

"Harrison is going to be a neurosurgeon - or a brain doctor as he calls it - when he grows up," she informed Meredith. "Between Derek and now you, he's pretty sure it's the coolest job ever." Meredith grinned. "Well, it kind of is. But I'm biased." Harrison nodded. "I want to be a superhero too!" he said excitedly. Meredith raised an eyebrow. "A superhero? I thought you wanted to be a brain doctor." "Uncle Deek says he's a superhero because he's a brain doctor," Harrison informed her. It was Meredith's turn to roll her eyes. Only Derek would convince his six year old nephew that being a neurosurgeon was the equivalent of a superhero.

"Harrison, can I tell you a secret about your Uncle Deek?" Meredith asked. Harrison nodded excitedly. "To be a brain doctor, your uncle is pretty brainless sometimes." Harrison laughed as did Annie. "Meredith knows your uncle well," Annie stated. "Uncle Deek is silly," Harrison giggled. "Yes he is," Meredith agreed.

"Dr. Grey? CT is ready for Harrison," Dr. Kern said, entering the room. "Alright. You hear that Harrison? It's time for your brain picture. Dr. Kern, can you go get Harrison a wheelchair?" Meredith directed. "Yes Dr. Grey," Dr. Kern disappeared from the room.

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