Chapter 19: One Last Stop

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Immediately after Jett rendezvoused with Luna they packed up and left the alcove in the direction that they came. The sooner they could get away from the Zweilous, the safer they'd be. 

Luna secured the Deino egg in the cart so Jett could guide it down the trail safely. Thankfully the wind had died down which made their descent easier, especially since the hover pads counteracted the normal pull of gravity. It took them only two days to make their way back down to where they diverged off the path, and Magikarp bounced the entire way. Once there they could once again allow Brownie back out to take up pulling the cart. 

Once they got him strapped up and pulling Jett climbed back into the cart to grab the egg.

"Excuse me?! What the hell are you doing?!" Luna exclaimed as he started to climb out of the cart.

He stopped and looked up at her, confused. 

"Uh... Taking care of my egg?" 

She dropped the reins and let Brownie walk himself along the path as she climbed back into the cart and firmly yanked the egg out of Jett's hands.

He looked at her dumbfounded.

"Look, you did your part, now I'll do mine!"

"My part is to hatch and raise the egg..."

"No... your part is to GET the egg, now this is what I've been trained my entire life to do, and I'm going to make sure this egg hatches a healthy baby!"

"I'm the one who's supposed to take care of it, it's my family's tradition!"

"Oh yeah? and what would your family do in this scenario? Walk the egg all the way down the mountain and back home?"

"Well, maybe part of the way but typically we would fly it home."

"Don't you see a problem with that plan?! You're not going home Jett! You're traveling with me!"

"Well perhaps it's a bit of a different traveling arrangement but I still insist in taking care of it."

Luna realigned the egg into the incubator and closed it off, "It's my cart and I have everything needed to keep the egg healthy and safe so I'm going to do MY job and keep this egg healthy and safe! Got it?!"

"AB!" Angel puffed up her fur and barked at Jett.


Luna bowed up and crossed her arms.

"I... concede?" He asked sheepishly.

"Thank you," she nodded and climbed back into the front seat, "Angel, Sentinel, guard it!" 

Angel sat in front of the incubator and smirked and Sentinel popped out of his ball and stood defensively in front of Jett, a growl already formed on his face. 

"Alright, alright," he slipped out of the back and walked up next to the driver seat. "You're mean," he teased her.

"When it comes to babies and breeding, yes. This is the whole traveling together situation, remember? You're not alone, I'm not alone, and we'll work best when we play to each other's strengths. I'm going to embrace it and hold you to it too. Besides, you've helped me, let me help you in the ways I excel at."

Jett sighed in defeat as he quietly slunk back, "Thank you," he muttered.

"You're welcome!" Luna giggled.

Jett walked behind the cart for a while to think on what she said.

Soon he started thinking to himself and held up the ball that recently captured his Corviknight. The top had changed color to yellow to indicate a more advanced pokemon. 

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