Chapter 5: Temporary Travelers

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Jett woke up to the morning light with Treecko curled up between his arm and chest.

Froakie hopped up to him and rubbed its large eyes, indicating that the little frog stayed up all night as the group's watch.

Jett smiled and plucked Froakie's ball from his belt.

"Get some rest buddy," he said as he held the ball up.

Froakie solemnly nodded as he tapped his ball and disappeared inside.

Treecko stirred slightly as Jett replaced Froakie on his belt. Jett wrapped his arm around Treecko and sat upright, cradling the gecko directly into the sunlight.

As the sun hit, Treecko's eyes opened up and he yawned.

"You get to travel outside today," Jett comforted him, "soak in all the sun you can to start feeling better."

"Treecko," he replied as he smiled and fanned his tail out, increasing his surface area to catch more sun.

Jett set him down on the nearby log and pat his head gently as he started putting on his boots and putting away his gear.

The commotion stirred Luna awake. She peaked her head out to see Jett moving about the campsite and rolling up his sleeping bag.

She took this as her cue to do the same and she dashed to get her shoes on to go grab Mudsdale.

By the time she had them laced up Jett was already next to the cart with Mudsdale in position.

"How did-"

"He trusts me already and so he listened as I asked politely. One less thing for you to worry about."

"Sweet, thank you!" She exclaimed as she hopped off to hitch him up.

Jett checked the time. It was still too early to call home and ask for a favor. He shrugged and went back to the log where Treecko was standing in bliss.

He shouldered his bag and picked Treecko up and placed him in Froakies normal spot on his mounted sleeping roll.

The little gecko smiled and sprawled out.

It didn't take long for Luna to tie in Mudsdale and in no time they were back on the trail heading towards Ethanburgh.


The sun shone brightly that morning, which was great for Treecko. Luna and Jett noticed in the light of day that he was rather malnourished. His ribs were easily visible and his muscle tone was rather lacking.

"What do you think happened to him?" Luna asked as she eyeballed him sleeping. "His Pangoro didn't look anything like this..."

"I'm going to guess that he used Treecko in order to help evolve Pangoro," Jett said as he looked at Treecko's pokeball.

It was greasy and smudged with a multitude of stains as well as a barely functioning button mechanism.

"He certainly wasn't well taken care of if even his ball is anything to go by," Jett sighed.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to keep him," Jett said without hesitation.

"But how?! You can't catch and keep other trainer's pokemon without their permission!"

"Not without reason, no. But I'm sure that he doesn't care too much, and if he does, he'll have a hard time explaining to law enforcement why he doesn't have Treecko anymore. As for the how, that's easy."

Jett climbed aboard the cart before nudging Treecko awake gently; the the little lizard stirred and looked at him.

"I'm going to need you to get into this ball one last time, alright? Just once more. Can you do that?"

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