Chapter 22: Shine in the Night

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The next morning they sat out at first light. This time Jett walked beside the wagon while Luna and Cassandra rode up front. King walked beside him with Torracat tucked back inside his jacket to combat the cold. 

"You're incredibly hardy to have made it this far despite not knowing the terrain," Jett complimented King. 

"Yeah, well... I guess I'm used to that kind of struggle."

Jett had taken the morning to size him up now that he was in the full light of day. 

"Indeed..." he replied as his eyes fell on King's belt which held his pokemon, all with red tops. "So how did you get to Anglos?" Jett asked.

King side-eyed him.

"Don't worry, I won't rat you out. But I couldn't help but notice that you're pokeballs all have a red top which wouldn't be the case if you got here legally. I won't judge but I do feel it's only fair to warn you that law enforcement may get a little... eager if they happen to notice."

"That's partially what the long coat is..." he trailed off as he looked down at his now tattered and thinning jacket, "was for." King sighed. "I stowed away with the help of Raticate. There was nothing left in Kanto so I jumped on the first ship I could to keep track of..." he chose his words carefully, "some people that wronged me."

"Fair enough," Jett shrugged as Larvesta shifted to his left shoulder, closer to King.

King grimaced and moved to Jett's opposite side.

"Don't like bugs?" Jett joked and chuckled.

"I just don't want it near me is all," he got a little defensive. 

Jett just smiled and pet Larvesta.

"That's something we can agree on at least," Cassandra scrunched her face, making Luna giggle.

"Good news, though," Jett changed the subject after they walked on a little more, "We're only a couple days away from making our way out of the mountains and then we'll be at our next destination! Brenstone, which, once we get far enough away from the mountains, will be a major climate shift into desert terrain, so be sure to dress accordingly. Thankfully the city isn't too far from the mountain pass. It'll still be a miserable day without proper protection, but Brownie will make the trip in record time."

The Mudsdale shook his head in agreement. 

"Hopefully while there I can find a Trapinch," Jett mused to himself. "Flygon has always been one of my favorite dragons."

"Probably because it's like a bug," Luna giggled. 

Jett smiled sheepishly, "I wouldn't doubt it."

"Hey, speaking of dragons," Luna piped up, "What would be a good dragon type that wouldn't be too much trouble to catch and raise?"

"Well, Swablu and Altaria tend to be very well tempered by most pokemon standards much less dragons, but if you want a good starter dragon that's not too much of a challenge then a Noivern would be a fair bet. Dragalge aren't too temperamental and neither are the Goodra line. Drampa tend to be deceptively aggressive if they feel their trainer has been wronged. I've heard talk of a dragon from Alola that is highly honorable and trained the natives long ago how to fight. A really easy going dragon would be the Applin line. Depending which apple you give it to live in will determine its evolution. A sour apple will make it more assertive and active while a sweet apple will make it more passive and easy going."

"I see," Luna said as she was jotting down notes on what he was saying. "May I borrow your pokedex?" she asked.

"Sure," he handed it over.

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