Chapter 20: The Climb

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Luna held Jett for a few minutes while they stood in silence.

"I'm fine," he said as he wiped his eyes with a smile, holding Luna at arm's length, "It's just been a while and I wanted to catch up, you know," he chuckled softly. "Thank you for being here. He would have got a kick out of you."

Luna smiled and wiped her face as well, "I consider that a huge compliment," she said as she gave Jett one more tight hug.

He turned, "And thank all of you too for being here with me and choosing to stick by my side," he addressed his pokemon.

Grovyle hopped up onto his shoulder and embraced him. Larvesta made a soft noise similar to a purr. Tyrunt glanced up at him and let out a small snort and Corviknight nodded his head.

Magikarp leapt up out of the water before splashing back down. The pond he was in began glowing white.

"Ahahahah no, wait!," Jett almost dove in as he went to grab the fish. "Not yet. Soon," he calmed and held his Magikarp until his body stopped glowing. "There you go, wait until we get up there," he looked up as he pat Magikarp's head. "It'll be worth it, I promise."

"Karp," the fish shook itself in anticipation.

"Alright," Jett said as he walked out of the water and took off his wet jacket and shirt. "Luna, there's a place for a fire you can use to keep warm over here while you wait," he told her as he began hanging his clothes on a nearby tree branch.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

He pointed up at the archway atop the white Cliffside.

"Okay but why are you undressing?!" She exclaimed as he removed his boots and pants. "Why not fly up there?!"

Corviknight shook his head.

Jett pointed to him, "He knows. The air currents are too extreme for any conventional pokemon to manage. If he would go up he would be torn to shreds at the top. The only place that is safe from the wind is directly against the cliff face. The only way up is to climb and swim."

"You're not going to climb that! It's a death sentence you... y- y- you can't possibly expect me to let you attempt that after just seeing your father at the bottom of the lake doing the same! It's stupid! It's not worth it!"

"Part of being a dragon tamer is rising to the insurmountable challenge, both in pokemon and in training ourselves. I resigned myself to that potential fate the very day I caught Magikarp. I'm one of the best tamers my family has put out in decades, and I'm as young and healthy and strong as I'm ever going to be. If I wait too long and suffer an injury or long term damage from this job I won't be able to do it at all. That's exactly what happened to Dad. He waited too long and tried to climb after years and years of rigorous activity with powerful pokemon."

"What would he say to you doing the same thing he died doing?!"

Jett closed his eyes and spoke out as if rehearsed.

"Son, trying The Climb is stupid, dangerous, and not for the faint of heart. But I'm gonna do it, mark my words. And after I do it, I know you're gonna want to do it, and boy, I'll tell you then like I'm telling you now, it's stupid, don't attempt it. But I know you're just as strong as I am and you might do it anyway and I can't stop you, and I won't. I get it. Just know that I love you no matter what, and whatever choice you make that will never change. I respect your decision either way. Just promise me you'll do it for yourself, and not to impress me or anybody else, got it?"

Jett opened his eyes.

"That's what he said as he stood right where you stand now. On the very day that he fell."

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