Chapter 2: Trial Beginnings

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A full day's walk only brought Jett deeper into the forests that the Anglos region were littered with. As the sun started to angle across the sky he figured it was time to set up camp. He set Froakie out to forage as he set a line out into a nearby river to catch a fish pokemon to eat. He didn't want to start breaking into his rations just yet.

The weather was clear and cool and in no time he had a fire crackling to keep the bugs at bay.

With no worry of rain he simply pushed a nearby log close to the fire and set his sleeping bag down beside it before he set to work learning about his mystery pokemon.

He opened a folder that the professor had given him and looked over the notes.

He hummed to himself as he glossed over what little information there was. Height, weight, but nothing of relevance to let him know what exactly he was dealing with. Nothing besides the typing and a picture.

"Rock/Dragon huh?" He muttered as he tried to make out the picture. It was blurred as it was obvious the lab assistants were slightly panicked as they struggled to snap a picture before whatever this creature was attacked them.

The last part scribbled at the bottom was the new name.


"Well, let's see what you really are," he said as he stood up.

With a soft motion he tossed the ball about 20 feet away from him in the clearest part of his campsite.

A flash of white light and the black ball returned to his hand.

Once the glow from the pokeball diminished what stood in front of him was what obviously still a child but for it's age was rather large. It stood waist high to him, all in all about 3 feet from head to razor sharp toe claws.

Its eyes were still large for the size of its head which was in itself large in stature as it balanced itself on its powerful legs. It's tiny arms flexed their 2 fingers as it took a step forward. Its head jerked deliberately as it took in its surroundings. The brown scales that covered its body almost let it blend into the surrounding.

It sniffed the air, pausing for a moment as one of its eyes locked onto Jett.

Tyrunts head moved slowly to one side and then to another as she sized him up.

Without warning she darted forward and snapped at him, surprisingly quick for her awkward looking size. He managed to react and pull himself back from her reach with a quick step before leaping and rolling to the side.

Her jaws held a nearby branch that she managed to bite on to in place of Jett and with one small motion she split it in two, the wood splintering all around her.

She turned back to Jett, determination still strong in her eyes.

By this time he had gotten into position for a technique his family had used for generations. He waited for her to make a move.

She lunged forward once again but Jett didn't move; instead he waited for the last moment before leaping over the charging theropod, his hand merely inches away from her powerful jaws.

While mid movement he set his hands on her head and tried to add to her momentum and throw her off balance, but, to his surprise, she was remarkably sturdy. He had to apply his full body weight to the push which somehow managed to send her tumbling to the ground.

She rolled a couple feet before adjusting herself.

Jett stood up fully to look over the creature but, to his surprise, where this move would normally invite caution into the pokemon he was taming, this Tyrunt had anger flaming through her eyes. She bared her razor sharp teeth and let out a surprisingly robust roar before rushing him again.

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